You Were Never A Friend To Me, And You Can Keep All Your Misery

I Got A Hole Inside And It's 10 Miles Wide


I knocked once more on Stella's door, and when she didn't repond, I decided to leave her alone. I could hear muffled crying through the door.

Why did she hate me so much?

A few months ago, she was so nice to me. We had sex, we hung out as friends, then she just started hating me one day, which really annoys me since, well, no one hates me.

She loves Jack, Zack, and Rian, just despises me.

Miserable and confused, I sat down on the couch in Angela and Stella's living room.

"What's up, Alex?" Rian asked.

"Stella" I mumbled.

"What about her?" Jack asked.

"Why does she hate me so much?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Angela asked from Zack's lap. Those two's lives revolve around PDA.

"Not really" I said.

"Alex! She's in love with you!"

I looked at Ang like she was crazy.

"Stella?! The girl looks at me like she wants to kill me"

"Because she's in love with you, duhh"

"Then why does she act like she hates me so much?"

"Gee, I dunno, Alex" Jack said sarcastically.

I looked at Jack.

"You slept with her"


"She was a virgin, stupid" Angela said, rolling her eyes.


"God, Alex! Look, Stel's a romantic. She's the kind of girl who wants her first time to be special and you weren't even there when she woke up"

I was still kind of confused. I mean, sure we had sex, it was fun, but I didn't think it was that much of a big deal. I was partially drunk, anyway. I barely remember the day of Max's party

"She was so in love with you. Then at Jack's party...ring any bells?" Anglea asked.

I shook my head.

"You hooked up with Zoey and she was right there"

Me and Zoey went out for about 2 weeks. I didn't think Stella would mind.

I didn't know she was a fucking virgin and was in love with me.

Now I look like an insensitive jerk.

"So I fucked things up?"

"Pretty much. She hates your guts" Jack smirked.

"I think she loves you. She gets mad everytime you hook up at parties"Angela said.

"So it's either she hates me or she loves me?" I asked.

"I'm leaning toward both. She hates that she loves you. Or she loves to hate you." Rian shrugged.

I crossed my arms.

Of course I didn't like Stella...did I? She's Max's little sister. And we had sex when she was what, 17? Which makes it kind of illegal, considering I was 21.

Stella was pretty hot, slight tan, pretty small, hot body, black hair and a lip ring, but I never thought about liking her. Even if I did, I fucked it up, anyway.

I tried to remember the party a long time ago. We performed a song at Max's going away party to Spain or something, I had a few drinks, and Angela had drunkenly told me her best friend liked me. Of course Angela never knew what she was saying drunk, and I hadn't gotten laid in a month.

She was a hot girl, and she didn't stop me, so...

Wait-why didn't she stop me?

Aren't virgins supposed to be uptight and bitchy or something? Stella was pretty nice that day.

Oh God, she was in love with me.

I'm such a dick.
♠ ♠ ♠
aww Alex feels guilty (-:

we all love him anyway, right?

BTW, school starts up in a few days, so I'll update like crazy now, but when school starts they might get a little slow.

This years supposed to be CRAZYY