You Were Never A Friend To Me, And You Can Keep All Your Misery

Love Drunk


I sighed, looked in the rear view mirror and dabbed a finger on my glossy lips.

I spotted Alex in the mirror and quickly looked away. He hadn't talked, looked, or even acknowledge my excistence all day.

Not that I cared.

We were heading to my parent's mansion. Alex, Jack, Rian, Zack, and Angela just came because Max and a 'surprise' visitor were going to be there.

And knowing my mother, I knew the suprise visitor was going to be the usual; tall, tanned, law school student.

"Is it me, or is it everytime we come here, this place gets bigger?" Jack asked.

"I think it's just you, Jacky" I smirked, getting out of the SL550 mercedes-benz.

We walked up past the gate to the door and knocked.

I was pretty nervous, since I hadn't seen or talked to my parents since I blew up on them about dropping out and going on tour.

Can you spell A-W-K-W-A-R-D?

A few seconds later, my mom answered the door. My mom pretty much hated Angela.

She blames her that I am so 'rebellious.' she had called me.

She loves All Time Low, mostly because they're famous, for one thing, and she worships all of Max's friends.

"Stella!" she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

She smelled like Imperial Majesty Perfume.

"Hey, mom" I muttered.

"Hey, Mrs. Taylor" Angela smiled her best cheshire cat.

"Oh, hello, Angela. OH BOYS! so nice to see you! How was tour?"

Me and Angie rolled our eyes and snuck inside the house while my mom hugged and kissed the boys.

"Hey, daddy" I smiled, kissing my father on the cheek. He was seated in the armchair in front of the fireplace.

"Hey, girls! How was tour?" He smiled. Unlike my mother, my father adored Angela.

Why? Well, because in the private high school i went to, I was considered the 'emo' one and never fit in. My father was glad Angela was my friend, despite the trouble we always got into.

'Great, Will" Angie smiled.

"Where's Max and whats-his-face?" I asked.

"Max and Martin are going to be here momentarilly, hon" My dad said.

"Martin?" I snorted. He sounded even geekier than the rest.

"Give him a chance, honey, he's in a band. You like boys like that. Though I can't see why" my father said.

"Watch him be like in a geeky children's band" Angela giggled.

I laughed, too.

"Or he could be hot and sexy" i said sarcastically.

"Who's hot and sexy?" Zack asked, walking in the den and wrapping an arm around Angela.

"You, of course" she purred, kissing Zack sweetly.

"Uh ew?" I gagged.

"Someone's jealous" Jack sang, coming in and kissing my cheek.

"Why would I be if I have you, silly?" I giggled.

My dad looked at us like we were crazy teenagers.

"Nice to see you boys" he smiled when Alex and Rian came in.

Alex looked sort of awkward, looking down at his feet.

Once again, like I cared.

"Kids, Max and Martin are here!" My mother called.

I hated it when she called us kids.

"Help me" I begged Angela as we headed towards the door.

I sat down on the window seat as Angela looked out the window and gasped.

"That ugly?" I muttered.

"Haha, Stel, thats Martin Johnson...from Boys Like Girls!"
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Oooohh Martin Johnson [Faints] did u hear Love Drunk? Love it!!

BTW, Max is not Max Green, so don't get confused. he was supposed to be, but can you really imagine Max Green tall, tanned, ripped, and a Yale student? I love Max, but he should stick to Escape The Fate <3 <3 <3

Also, Stella looks nothing like anyone in her family, just in case you didn't pick that up.