You Were Never A Friend To Me, And You Can Keep All Your Misery

Now I'm That Bitch

As soon as I looked outside, I was mesmerized.

Was that really Martin Johnson?! Sure, I had seen his band a few times on tour, but I never got to meet them personally.

"Help me! I'm a mess!" I squealed, pulling Angela into my room, tossing my hair and redoing my makeup.

"It's really not that much of a big deal, Stel"

I looked at my crazy best friend in the mirror.

"It's Martin Johnson, are you crazy?"

"Maybe he won't even be that cool"

"Somehow I highly doubt that"

"So you're just forgetting Alex just like that?"

I turned around and crossed my arms. "I don't like Alex"

"Come on, Stel, at least be honest with me. You were in love with him"

"I was a Junior, we loved everyone"

"But you wanted Alex" she pointed out.

I sighed. "He hurt me"

"He honestly didn't know you liked him. Or that you were a virgin. I think he feels guilty."

"How does he know I was a virgin?" I asked, brushing my hair.

"I...well..he wanted to know why you hated him and I kind of...told him"

I nearly dropped my brush. "You told him?!

"I'm sorry, I thought it would help things!"

"How much did you tell?" I asked.

"Just how much you liked him and how it hurt that he took your virginity and broke your heart"

"I can't believe you, Angie. Why would you tell him?!" I exlaimed, leaving the room that my backstabbing best friend was in. I was so pissed. She promised she would never tell.

I was shaking a little before I walked down the spiral staircase.

"Is everything okay? We heard fighting" Zack asked.

"Everything is fine." i said, looking at Alex. His gaze met mine and I rolled my eyes. Now he knew how much I had liked him.

"Martin Johnson. I love Boys Like Girls" I smiled flirtatiously. I hadn't flirted in months. I kind of forgotten how to.

"He's 23" Alex muttered.

I looked at him.

"You were 21, Alex." I snapped, knowing Martin, or my parents wouldn't understand.

"Hey, little sis!" someone exclaimed as they entered the house with bags.

"Maxie!" I exclaimed, running to my brother and giving him a huge hug.

By then, everyone was heading towards Max, so I took this oppurtunity to talk to Martin and forget about backstabbing Angela and rude and obnoxious Alec.

"So, what's up?" Martin asked.

"Not much. I'm just a huge fan and I just wanted to get to know you really, i guess" I giggled.

I only giggled when I was extremely nervous.

The last time I giggled like that was when I slept with Alex...

"Really? What's your favotie song?" He asked.

"Of your band? Well, obviously, stupid, no not you, me, I'm sorry, I'm just a little nervous. Haha. I'm gonna have to say Thunder because it's really sweet"

"Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer, Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder, and I said, Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I don't wanna ever love another, You'll always be my thunder,
So bring on the rain, And bring on the thunder

I sighed. I was a sucker for a serenade.

"That was...awesome" i choked out.

"You should relax. You're really pretty, you know" He said, wiping a piece of hair from my face.

Just like Alex had.

If I hated him so much, why the hell was I thinking about him so much?

I'm sitting here, flirting with Martin Johnson.

Any other girl would probrably faint right now.

As Martin leaned in, i couldn't help but look away, the feeling of betrayel washed through me.

And I didn't even have anyone to betray.

"We should get inside" i whispered, managing a smile just for him.

I can't believe I just sort of led him on. I kind of led myself on, thinking I could ever get over Alex.

But I was over Alex, right?

If not, I needed to get over him quick. I was done with pretending. I'll do whatever it takes to get over Gaskarth...

...Even if it means hurting him on the way.
♠ ♠ ♠
Rawrr, someones got an attitude...

Hmm, you never know, maybe Alex likes them fiesty (-: