You Were Never A Friend To Me, And You Can Keep All Your Misery



I couldn't believe she would go so low to try to make me jealous.

Kissing Martin, holding his hand, whispering, texting eachother when they were right next to eachother.

It was gross. And it was hell pretending I didn't care.

"She's like a brick sometimes, don't worry about it" Angela said when I visited her and Stella's apartment, which you can barely call Stella's since she's always at her house with Martin. "She hates to show her emotions"

Hm. I always thought girls lived to show emotion.

"Are you guys still fighting?" Zack asked Angela.

I knew they had gotten into a fight about a week ago because Ang had told me about how much Stel had liked me. What's with girls getting upset over the smallest things imaginable?

"Kind of. She's still pretty pissed off." Angela explained.

"I don't get her" I said, shaking my head.

"No one does. She's wierd. She likes to suffer alone and never talks about her feelings. But we all love her. She's a great friend" Jack preached.

"Alex, if you like her, tell her." Rian said,

"But i don't. She's being a bitch" I lied.

"She likes you, Alex" Angela said.

"I'm too late, anyway. I couldn't do that to Martin. He really likes her"

"Screw Martin"

I shook my head again. I instantly regretted the day I had sex with Stella. If I knew how much it meant to her, I wouldn't be with Zoey.

The door suddenly opened and we all looked up a Stella who was practically clinging onto Martin.

"Oh, hey, guys" she smirked.

"Hey" We mumbled.

"I thought you guys had a meet and greet today" she said, sitting on a loveseat with Martin, holding his hand.

"We did, like 3 hours ago" Rian said.

I felt her looking at me, but I was pretending to be distracted by the view outside the window.

Why was she so heartless and shamless?

"Hey, Alex, come here" Angela said suddenly.

"Huh? Why?" I asked.

"Because I need to show you something" she winked.

Reluctantly, I followed Angela into her room.

"What's going on?" i demanded.

"I know how to piss Stel off. She's going to come in and check on us in about 30 seconds"


"Because she's in love with you"

"And how are we going to piss her off?" I asked.

"I'm going to kiss you"

"Angela, zack would get pissed! Zack can and will beat me up!" i exclaimed.

"Shut it, Gaskarth. Do you want Stella or not?"

"I don't want to hurt her" I said.

"And when she gets hurt, she'll want you back"

"But that's hurting Martin. We're talking about three people getting hurt, Ang"

"if it's worth it" She shrugged.

We heard footsteps approach the door.

Angela put both of her hands on either side of my face and pressed her lips against mine.

It felt wrong, and it tasted all wrong. Like cigarettes and cheap bubblegum.

I heard the door open and a little gasp.

Me and Angela seperated, and looked at Stella.

She looked torn, hurt, and pained.

"Hey Stel" Angela said,

"How could you?' She snapped, leaving the room and closing it with a slam.

I hadn't anticipated the hurt.

"Was that worth it?!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
[Gasps] WTH, Angie?! What will Stella do??

Hey guys, I wanna thank ya for the comments on my story:

You're_Shameless <3

you belong with me. <3

samantha sometimes <3

Luv ya guys

if you want to be mentioned, comment like CRAZZYYY!! Or if I'm stupid and I forgot you, tell me (-:

I'm as blue as my neon skinny jeans