You Were Never A Friend To Me, And You Can Keep All Your Misery

What Hurts The Most


I didn't know why it hurt so much when I saw Angie and Alex kissing,

Maybe it was because she was my best friend, and because I never really got over Alex and it's been almost two weeks with Martin.

I stomped out the door, only to be followed by Martin,

"Hey, are you okay?"

I groaned. Why does he have to be so sweet?

"No" I sniffed.

Martin hugged me to his chest and I wrapped my arms around his waist, letting tears fall down my face.

"What happened, baby?"

"Angela was kissing Alex"



"What? it's not like you like him or anything, don't worry about it"

I crossed my arms and bit my lip, not sure of what to say.

"Please tell me you don't like him"

"I don't!"

"Then why are you so upset about it?"

"Because she's being a bitch"

"And Alex fits into this how?"


"How much history?"

"We just had sex and stuff"

"And stuff?"

"We hung out and shit."

"And that's all?"

"That's all" I promised.

"Okay. I really like you, Stella." he said,

"i really like you, too" I forced a smile though my heart ached.

"I have to go meet up with Paul, Bryan, and John" he smiled.


He gave me a kiss and I watched as he walked down the hall.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and took a breath before walking back into my apartment.

"Heyy" Angela said. I can't believe she just kissed him and expected everything to be okay.

I walked into my room and curled into a ball, like I always did when I felt alone.

I heard a light knock on the door and didn't respond. I felt numb and hurt. betrayed.

"Stella" Angela whispered.

"Go away"

"I'm sorry, it was the only way you would realize you love Alex"

"I don't love anyone, okay?! Just leave me the hell alone, i don't want to talk to you. We're supposed to be best friends, Ang, but you just hurt me, and cheated on Zack"


"Just go away"

"I'm trying to help you"

"You've been trying to help me since we met, and it never works! I thought dropping out was a bad idea, i thought going on tour was a bad idea, I thought hooking up with Alex was a bad idea"

"Are you seriously blaming me for you slutting around with Alex?"

I looked at her. "You're such a bitch" I sniffed, getting up, ignoring All Time Low, and walking straight out the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Where's Stella going? And what's with Angie??? And How does Alex feel about this? Does Martin have something to worry about?

We'll see (-: