You Were Never A Friend To Me, And You Can Keep All Your Misery


"I hate her!" I exclaimed as I stormed into my parents house after me and Angela's fight.

"Who?" Max asked.

"Angela! She kissed Alex then had the nerve to call me a slut. She has a boyfriend! Oh, poor Zacky!"

"Wait, she kissed Alex? Why?"

"To 'make me realize I love him'"

"Well do you?"

"How come everyone assumes that? I have Martin!"

"That doesn't answer my question"

"Max. I really don't need an ultimatum right now,okay? God, it's like everyone just, like, turned against me"

"Hmm. Especially Angela. Does Zack know she kissed Alex?"

"I hope so"

"Stel. She's your best friend. At least give her a chance to explain or something"

"Whatever. I'm just so mad. Why would she kiss him?"

"I think Alex likes you"

"Max! Not you, too! Why can't people accept that we will never be together??"

"Teenagers" Max scoffed.


"You guys are so complicated nowadays"

"But, Max... God, I'm such a bitch"


"I'm with Martin, and I really like him. He's like the cute, cuddly dog I can always depend on"

"Dog?" Max chuckled

"Just go with it. And Alex is the Lion, the dangerous one who is never afraid. What do I do?"

"Well, to be safe, go with Martin. But if you want real, um... er, danger, go with Alex"

"You're load of help, Max" I sighed.

"Hey, we're going out to dinner tonight. Maybe it's your chance to see who you like more"

The scary thing is that I think I already know the answer...
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Sorry it's kinda a filler. My computer got messed up and I'm typing on an iTouch so I probraby won't update for a few days. Thnx sooooo much for the comments, suscribers, and rating. I'd love it if you guys continue to be this great!! I promise that as soon
as I get my computer back, I will awcknowledge the people who commented I PROMISE!! I loved ur comments BTW. I love how u guys got into the story so much and support me Luv you Guys!!!!