

I was never the overly pretty girl out of my friends. I was just Tiffany.

Just Tiffany.

Jess, my best friend who could have been a raven haired model was gorgeous, but she was too interested in making money in the business area and Lindsey, well, Lindsey was the epitome of the perfect girl.

Blond hair, perfect body, perfect job, perfect boyfriend.

But that perfect boyfriend is what screwed all of us over.

* * * * *

I was always the center of attention, the one everyone looked at.

But for once in my life, I didn't want to be the center of attention. I wasn't the perfect guy everyone thought I was and saw me.

But there was one person who could see me for who I really us. Problem is, they screwed me over big time along with my girlfriend.

I was Deceived.