Let Me Love You.

Do You Enjoy Being Hurt?

Crying as always, Natalie was on the phone with Stephan, Stephan was Natalie’s best friend since ninth grade. He was always there for her and was always just a phone call away. Natalie was upset because of Gabriel again. He didn’t come to see her at all this week and she was scared that he was mad at her again. Gabriel was Natalie’s other best friend. He basically was her one in a million. She told him everything even if he didn’t want to here it. Gabriel was the closest thing to perfect that she ever came close to and in Natalie’s defense was the best thing that has every happened to her. But Natalie had a problem. She thought she was falling hard for him and she has thought that ever since they became friends. Gabriel was not your average guy. He was really hot and actually really bright. Okay so maybe he was your average guy but to Natalie he was her everything.

See Natalie came up with something one day. She has decided that she has the world and everything in it. Her world was Bianca; her and Bianca also have been friends since ninth grade and they were tighter then any friendship ever came close to. Bianca was a year younger than Natalie and had a husband and two kids. Both were about two. Bianca and her husband Carlos have been together for about ten years now. Their love was so strong it powered over everything. When Bianca and Carlos got together they were both about sixteen. And Carlos already had a child. Bianca learned to deal with is and Carlos put his whole life on the line to be with Bianca but that’s a story for another day.

“Natalie you know Gabriel loves you, if he didn’t he would not be around you, I mean trust me your not that easy to be friends with.” Stephan said re-ushering Natalie once again.
“Yes but what if he finally came to his sense.?!?!?!”
“Come one now, I have been friends with you longer than he has, and I am way smarter too, and if I haven’t came to my senses yet he hasn’t either.” Stephan laughs.
“I guess your right thank you I’ll call you back later.”

Stephan knew Natalie was not going to call her back she never did. Stephan was on vacation for a few months and was relaxing, he was single so of course he was enjoying the girls in the bikinis.

Natalie finally stopped crying, and no sooner did she get into her pajamas did Gabriel show up. She didn’t really care what she looked like because in front of him she felt like a princess. She wrapped her arms around him and breathed in deeply. She began to cry again. She couldn’t figure out what felt so right to her didn’t feel like anything to him. She didn’t understand why he never saw what everyone else did. And most importantly she knew that while holding him it would never be the romantic hug she has been craving. Gabriel knew she was crying before cause her eyes were puffy. So he asked her what was wrong.

“Oh well……umh….see your cologne it smells good , but, like I think I may be allergic to it.”

Gabriel has been around Natalie way to much to think that that was the reason she was crying.

“Come on Natalie, you know you can tell me anything. I am your best friend.”

She knew that she wasn’t going to get out of this, he wasn’t the type of guy to give up. So she pulled him over to the couch and they sat down.

“Did you kiss Angela!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!”

Angela was Natalie’s little sister and she has three kids and has been married twice now she is single and is only twenty three.

“How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t like your sister and I never will!”

“Yes you love her and you have even since we were in high school.”

“Look at me.”

He made her look him in the eyes until she believed him.

Gabriel has never liked Angela not even as a friend most of the time. He never knew why Natalie always doubted him so much. He always proved he was a true friend to her. He hasn’t left her side since they met. Natalie can always remember the day Gabriel proved to her she was his world. That night Natalie never felt safer. She was so tired of doubting him. She held on to him and fell asleep in his arms on the couch. Gabriel watched as she fell asleep. His hand was in hers and he never felt more loved by anyone. Natalie was the only girl that really ever cared about him. She was his first real girl “friend“. and he really cared about Natalie.
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