Status: I'll update as soon as I can.

Dear Jerk-face

October 4th

Dear Jerk-face,

Do I even need to explain to you why I'm writing today? You know I only do it when something important happens between us, so what's the point?

Maybe it's because even though you hurt me so much, I still need to talk to you. I still need to have a connection with you. When we were together, I told you everything. I can't do that anymore. Maybe that's why I drove away at Melony's party. You were about to open up to me and let me inside your mind. That would only temp me to do the same for you. As much as I want to talk to you, I don't trust you anymore. This is as close to you as I can get with out getting hurt.

Did that make sense?

Oh who cares if it did or not!? Love isn't supposed to make sense!

Not that I love you or ever did...


So today we were told to meet with our partners and get started on our projects during class. Of course, you had LISHA LOVES YOU!!! written on your hand and you smelled faintly of that new Brittany Spears perfume. Not to mention your lips were swollen. It disgusted me.

"I googled love last night and found some interesting stuff." You gloated.

I admit, I was kind of impressed, but you've always been the type of person to get a head start on things. "Cool." I muttered. The wall was made of bricks and not coming down. Ever.

"Um, yeah." You continued. "So I think we should do our project on how love effects people's behavior." You attempted to make eye contact, but I wouldn't allow it.

I didn't respond, resulting in a very long, awkward silence. "Aubrey, will you please talk to me?" You sounded so sincere. My head started to spin.

"I am talking to you." I stated, in a rather bitchy fashion.

"Nodding your head and saying cool doesn't count as talking." You retaliated. "I just want to know what I did wrong."

I looked at you like you had lost your mind. "You're kidding me, right?" No answer. "Were you not listening the other day? Have you ever listened to me?"

"Of course I was listening to you!" Your voice started to get louder. "You're the one that ran away! You're the one that keeps shutting me out! Don't blame me for what happened to us! Blame yourself!" A few people around us had started to stare, but that didn't stop you. "I'm not the bad guy here! I tried to apologize, but you wouldn't let me!" You stood on your chair and shouted to the class. "Hey guys, Aubrey here thinks I'm a dick, because she wouldn't let me apologize! Well here it is, Rie!" I looked up, into your eyes. Will, honey, you know you're the only person that I've ever let call me that. "I'm sorry." Our eyes were locked, even though my vision was starting to blur.

You got down from the chair and grabbed your stuff. "Now it's my turn to walk out on you." Then you were gone.

I was in tears. No, I was full on balling in that classroom. Mrs. Taylor was too focused on the chaos of your speech to pay any attention to me. Ashley ran to my side to make sure I was all right.

I couldn't move. I couldn't even breathe. I'm the reason we broke up? It's my fault you started that nasty rumor about us? And just when I thought things were turning around....Love,
♠ ♠ ♠
I got my cereal. It's a weekend. I'm in a good mood. No need to do pages of homework right now. I UPDATED!!!! I know this was way overdue, but people, I do got a life when I'm not at school.

Thank you to TwenyTwentySurgery for this amazing layout. I LOVE YOU!!!

Thank you to my readers and commenters :)

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