Status: I'll update as soon as I can.

Dear Jerk-face

October 14Th

Dear Jerk-face,

That feeling I got when I went to your house a week ago is long gone. I was so sure it would last, but, hey, I felt that way about us too.

Maybe we aren't over though. We just had a rough start, that's all. Why else would you keep a picture of us up? Has Lisha seen it or do you take it down when she comes over? That's rather jerkish too. I mean, where are the pictures of you and her?

Oh, did I tell you what I found out about Lisha and Nick? Yeah, the Nick I'm dating. We've been on our second date, but I'll get to that in a second. Anyway, Lisha is Nick's little sister!!! Doesn't that just blow your mind? We live in a small world, Will, a very small world.

Nick and I were at the movies and he was telling me how much he hates his sister's boyfriend. I asked him about her and he told me everything. He said that he hates that he introduced y'all too. Apparently you two worked together at his uncle's car shop. Which means, you didn't lie.

You really had a summer job, but you quit to spend more time with Lisha. He said you were completely obsessed with each other, but ever since school's started, you've become distant and seemed to not care about her anymore.

I think I'm more confused than I've ever been in my life. If you don't like Lisha, break up with her. And what was that big speech in class about? You saying it was my fault we broke up. My ass it was my fault!

You quit your job for her, but not for me. There has to be more to the reason for why you broke up with me. I know there is.

And why don't you like Nick? Is it just because he doesn't like you? Have you noticed that your fan base doesn't go past Lisha and your family? Probably because you're a d-bag.

Am I being too harsh, because I promise I'm not trying to be. I am just so frustrated with you and with me and with just everything! I would give anything to go back to the days of just being friends.

I guess that's all I really want. I just want to be friends again and laugh at stupid jokes and talk about pointless things. Like that one time you told me about how 3.14 looks like PIE backwards. I was completely blown away.

Now we never talk and if we do, we end up yelling at one another.

I want answers too. All these questions I ask and not one answer. We're going to have to talk eventually though, because our project is due in less than a month.Love,
♠ ♠ ♠
Unlucky chapter number 13 D: What did you think of this one? Leave a comment and let me know :)

I know I said I would update weeks ago, but then my mom decided to make me really busy over break and school started again, so yeah. Don't hate me for my lame excuses, please.

Happy MLK Jr Day!!! :D