Status: I'll update as soon as I can.

Dear Jerk-face

September 17th

Dear Jerk-face,

"I heard they did it in the water slide, but then someone else slid down. It was a mess."

"Oh my gosh! How embarrassing! How did they even manage to stay in there? I mean, it's a slide!"

"I don't want to know. But I'll tell you this, I'm never going on that slide again."

"I'm not even going in the pool. If Will did her too, there has to be a million STD's in that water."

That's yet another rumor I've heard about you. At first, I didn't know who the freshmen girls were talking about, but then I caught on. A water slide? At the public pool? Dude, my little brother goes there.

And then they said 'Will did her too.' Which means this isn't the girl you're parading around with in the halls. This is someone else you had fun with on the side. Or the slide. Ha ha. Get it? It was one of those play on words.

I don't blame you if you don't. Your brain is rather small.

Anyway, back to the story. The best thing about this rumor, is that it's actually true. I remember you telling me that you wanted to sleep with someone on the water slide. So your wish came true.

How did you manage to stay there? I don't want details or anything. I'm just curious as to how you did it.

I'm also curious as to how your getting all these girls? Last year, everyone was giving me shit for being with you. They all said you were a loser and I was way out of your league, but I looked beyond that. I saw the you that was on the inside. No one else saw that side of you. So I'll ask again; How are you getting all these girls?

Is it because you broke up with me? You must be decent if Aubrey isn't good enough for you, right? Was that your plan all along? Get me to fall head over heels for you, then kick me to the curb. I have enough friends to where word would get around. It would be the best idea you would ever have.

And then you had to change your look too. Wearing tight shirts that showed off your abs. Jeans that made your butt look extra sexy. Don't even get me started on your hair. How it falls perfectly over your eyes. In that skater sort of way. Do you use a straightener? That has to be how you make your hair so silky smooth.

Look at me gawking over you. I'm not even strong enough to fight you. I know what your doing, but I'm too weak to stop it. That scares me.

No, it terrifies me.

What if you come back for round two? I won't be able to tell you no. I never could before either. That's the only reason I let us go so far. I didn't know how to tell you no. That's the effect you have on me, Will, and you use it to your advantage.Love,
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to everyone who subcribed and commented. Keep it coming. I'm going to continue writing this one.