Status: I'll update as soon as I can.

Dear Jerk-face

September 20th

Dear Jerk-face,

So, over the weekend, I came up with this amazing plan:

Yell at you at the top of my lungs.

Yep. That was it. I was going to walk up to you and just yell at you for all the things you've done. I was so convinced that I was going to do it. I wouldn't care who heard or what you thought. It would just be me, telling you how I feel.

But then I saw your face. After that, everything went downhill. I don't know why or how. It just did. I had a flashback of sophmore year and my heart melted. All I could think about was that day you told me you liked me.

We were in music appreciation class, when it happened. We had a sub that day, which meant no work. Just you and me, doing absolutely nothing for a whole sixty minutes. I can think of at least ten things you probably would've liked to do to me. And all ten I would never let happen. At least, now I wouldn't. Then, it was different. Then you were the only thing I wanted and I would've done what ever it took to get you. But what I should've been worried about was keeping you.

The first thing you said to me that day was, "So Aubrey, what's your number?" You didn't say hey or what's up. You got right to the point. I liked that about you. You didn't beat around the bush.

It took me at least two minutes to tell you my number. My brain was in such shock, I couldn't remember it. When I finally got the numbers all out, you sent me a text. "Hey sexy" is what it said. Charming, right?

Regardless, I blushed extremely hard. The comment made me giddy inside. Just another thing I liked about you. So we kept talking, out loud of course. We would only text the things we didn't want other people to hear, like who we liked.

I made the first move, asking if you liked anyone. You said yes. I smiled to myself and made sure you couldn't see the look on my face. Then I asked if I knew her. You texted back that I knew he very well. Right after you sent that, you winked at me and ran your fingers through my hair. I understood what you meant. You liked me.

So out loud, I asked, "Is it me?" You smiled and said yes. Will, sweetie, that moment was something I'll never forget, because right after that, I was so excited, I kissed you.

I know you remember. I cupped your cheeks in my hands, pulled you towards me, and made our lips touch. It was the best kiss of my entire life. You may be a lying jerk-face, but that kiss. It was unbelievable. My lips are all tingly just thinking about it. Was the kiss that good for you too? It had to have been. There's no way it made me feel so incredible without effecting you.

But like I've said before; What do I know?Love.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I really like this story. I don't know why, I just do. Thanks to all my readers, subscribers, and commenters. I love you!!!