Status: I'll update as soon as I can.

Dear Jerk-face

September 22nd

Dear Jerk-face,

What is love? What is it like to feel love? How do you know it's truly love that you are feeling and not just a mere crush?

This is exactly what Mrs.Taylor asked us today, in English. It was right after she told us how she met Mr.Taylor, our history teacher. Why must teachers be married? Remember, in elementary school, when we all thought that teachers lived at school. It's really not that ridiculous of a theory. I mean, they're all married to each other, so they might as well live at school too.

Wow. I get side stacked so easily.

Anyway, Mrs.Taylor actually expected us to answer her questions. "Let's see... Ah, Will?" Your head shot up. "Do you have an answer?" She asked. Your eyes widened and I was so sure they were going to pop out of your head.

Now that I would have enjoyed.

I burst into a fit of laughter. Like you actually knew what love was. The whole class, including the teacher, gave me the strangest look, but I didn't care. I was laughing so hard that I was crying and I couldn't breathe. This only frustrated you more, which only made me laugh harder.

After five minutes, of you saying "Um" and "I'm not sure" and me laughing hysterically, Mrs.Taylor finally gave up. She let out a sigh and continued on with the lesson. Apparently, we're starting this big unit on love. We'll be reading romance novels and writing poems. It's going to be a big thing. I have no clue what it has to do with English, but whatever. I'll just sit in a room with you for the rest of the semester and learn everything humanly possible about love.


Maybe I could just hand in these letters and then skip the rest of the year. I think I've had my share of love related things. Don't you? I mean, seriously think about it. I fell in love with you, at least I'm pretty sure I did. Then you, ever so sweetly, broke up with me. Only causing me to love you more for not hurting me. Then school starts and I find out you lied about everything, thus breaking my heart. And now I have to see you at school, everyday, with some skank wrapped around your arm AND act like it doesn't effect me at all.

But then maybe I'm just being dramatic. I'm overreacting. I'm just some naive, immature, too sensitive for her own good teenage girl, who should know not to wear her heart on her sleeve. I'm the reason for the cliche that the world has thrust upon us.

News flash! So are you!

You are the reason that all guys are classified as jerks. If all you guys out there didn't treat us girls like month old lasagna, then maybe we wouldn't act like this. Then maybe we would get the respect we deserve. But then again, maybe you're doing us a favor. Because all the males in the world have broken, at least, one girl's heart, we have become stronger. We know to watch out for the tricks and charm and lies.

But not everyone does.

I didn't. My hormones got in the way. I had no clue what you were doing and I don't think you did either. Deep down, your not what everyone sees you as. You're not cool and confident. You don't like going through girls like tissues. You aren't all tough and macho and crap. Your anything but.

When we were together, you let me see the real you. The you that cries every time you watch Titanic. The you that would do anything for his little sister and the people he truly cares about. The Will I know is shy and afraid to speak in front of crowds. He hates when guys mistreat girls. The Will I know is the biggest romantic I've ever met.

So what happened to you, honey? Why did you change? You were doing just fine the way you were. We were happy and isn't that enough? Aren't I enough?Love,
♠ ♠ ♠
So I'm suffering from writer's block. I have an idea about how this is going to end, but I don't want to get there too fast. So I have no clue what to write to slow it down. And then I'm afraid this might start sounding repetitive.

I don't know. Subscribe and continue to comment please. Those always help me think.

And check out my other story too please!!!