Status: I'll update as soon as I can.

Dear Jerk-face

September 23rd

Dear Jerk-face,

Before I say hello or how are you, I want to let you in on a secret.

I was the one who sprayed silly string all over your car.

Remember, last year, when we were in the middle of our "I hate you, but I love you" phase. It was before we started going out and we were still shy about our feelings. You thought it was some senior picking on one of the few sophomores that drove to school. It wasn't. Ashley and I bought 5 cans of silly string, walked to your house, and sprayed your car. We made designs and pictures. One of the funnest things I've ever done.

The next morning, you came to school extremely pissed. It took everything in me not to laugh. You're probably wondering why I went so far as destroying your car. I'd tell you, but I don't remember. The idea probably just popped in my head and I decided to take action. I don't regret it one bit. If anything, I brag about it.

What made me think of this, was when I saw you at the elementary school today. My mom usually picks up my brother, Jake, but she had to work late today. So right after school I had to go get the little rugrat. I completely forgot that you have to pick up Melony.

So when I saw your car pull up behind mine, I had a heart attack. I've never been so caught of guard in my life.

Not true. When you dumped me, I was a million times more surprised. But that's not the point of this story.

Of course, Jake and Melony had to walk out of the school together. They just have to be best friends. When your sister saw me get out of the car, she ran towards me.

"Aubrey! I've missed you so much!" She squealed and hugged the life out of me.

"I've missed you too, Mel. How's third grade?" I asked.

"Good. Me and Jake are in the same class this year." She smiled really big. "Will told me that you and him are in the same class too." Right on cue, you got out of your recently washed car.

"He did?"

"Yep. Isn't it so cool that we all get to be with each other?" She questioned.

"Umm... I guess." I was now glancing at you, as you walked down the sidewalk. And by glancing, I mean staring. You weren't though. You made sure to avoid my eyes.

"Don't worry, Aubbie, he still likes you." Melony whispered, when she caught what I was doing.

I looked at her dumbfounded. Did Melony just say that you still like me? Jake chuckled at her comment, him not being as mature as girls. You stopped, about five feet away from us and called your sister's name. She ran to you even faster than she ran to me.

"Look Willie!" She pointed to me. "It's Aubrey. Isn't she so pretty? I want to be just like her one day." Just like Melony told you to, you looked at me.

Our eyes met and the whole world seemed to stop around us. I only saw you. I only was focused on you. You once told me that I was amazingly beautiful. Am I still that beautiful or am I just another face in the crowd? As you said something back to Mel, Jake started complaining to me.

"C'mon fat-head, I wanna go play my Wii!" He whined. I rolled my eyes and got back in the car. I could feel your eyes still on me, but I refused to check and make sure.

For the first time, I didn't take a second glance at you. I moved on and started to think about other things. Sure I wanted to tell you some stuff, but it was nothing to be said at an elementary school. Besides, what's the point?

Yelling at you won't change anything. It'll just show you how vulnerable and weak I am. You'll see the power you have over me and get more of an ego boost.

The world defiantly does not need for you to have more confidence.Love,
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay for another chapter!!! Okay, so what happens in the next chapter will be decided by you, my amazing readers :D So comment your ideas and the one I like best will win. Please remember that Will does not know about these letters. they do not exist in his world. Go back and reread the letters and think about where you want this to go.

The next chapter is up to you, so you HAVE TO COMMENT. I may also use more than one.

Please and thank you!!! I love you guys :D