Status: I'll update as soon as I can.

Dear Jerk-face

September 25th

Dear Jerk-face,

I am so tired of you staring at me!

I'd tell you to take a picture or something, but then you really would and probably build me a shrine. And that would just be plain freaky.

There are so many other girls for you to fantasize yourself with. Why must you pick me? Are you still hung up on us? Was Melony right about you still liking me? Well I have news for you buddy. I have a date next weekend. So ha!

What? Aubrey has a date? But with who?

Well I'm just going to start from the beginning. I was at Walgreen's, buying some... well, stuff you wouldn't understand about, when this really cute guy started to talk to me.

"Hey, Aubrey!" The guy said. I turned my head and realized he looked kind of familiar, but I didn't know where I knew him from.

"Um... do I know you?" I asked.

He turned cherry red. "Uh yeah. We were in the same music appreciation class, last year. I sat next to you." The memory started to comeback, but still wasn't there. "I sat to your right." The cute boy said, when I still wasn't understanding.

Then it hit me. He was Nick Stilton. He had sat next to me all year and when you were absent, I talked to him. He was a funny kid. "Oh! I'm so sorry! Its Nick, right?" I apologized.

"Yeah." He smiled. "How was your summer?"

"Uh..." I honestly didn't know how exactly to answer that. "Amazing." I lied, but you know that all too well, Will. "How 'bout yours?"

"Eh." He shrugged. "I worked at my Uncle's car shop, did some mechanic work, drove some nice cars, the usual." I felt a ping in my chest, when Nick said that.

You told me you were working a mechanic job over the summer too. Is this the lie that all the guys use?

"That sounds cool." There was a BIG awkward silence. "So, um, what are you doing on this isle?" I asked. Nick and I were still standing in front of the tampons. Above our heads, was a huge sign that read 'NO OVER-PRICING. PERIOD.'

"Oh!" He turned red again. "My mom. She needs some..." He grabbed the first pack he saw and tucked it under his arm. "Look, I was wondering, if maybe you wanted to go out some time." Could his face have gotten any redder?

"How's next weekend?" I suggested. I'm surprised I agreed so quickly. You've given me a whole new out look on men, yet I still agree to go out with them in two seconds flat. I'm so screwed up.

"That's great. I'll see you at school."

We said our good-byes and I drove back home. Now I am writing you this letter that you will never get.

Or will you? Maybe, one day, I just might send them to you. I keep every letter in a shoe box. They're folded and in envelopes. They even have the addresses all filled out. I could give these to you right now, if I wanted.

But I don't. Right now, I'm happy with my life. Sure you've had some major effects on me, but that doesn't matter. I'm moving on. Next Saturday, I have a date with Nick Stilton, the best tennis player the school has ever seen. A much better title than you have. Will, the biggest man whore the world has ever known.

Sorry that was kind of harsh. Actually, no. I'm not sorry.Love,
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry if this is short. Thanks for all of your ideas. I'm going to use all of them, because I liked them so much. So look out for your chapter.

Can you believe we're already at number seven? That's my lucky number too.

Anyway, subscribe and comment please!