Status: I'll update as soon as I can.

Dear Jerk-face

September 27th

Dear Jerk-face,

"And the award for having the most sucky life goes to..... AUBREY BARROTA!!!" Announced the guy with the funny mustache.

"WHOO!!!!" The crowd cheered.

I made my way from my seat to the stage. "Aw. Thank you all so much for voting. This award means the world to me, but I can't take all the credit for this. Will, can you please come up here?" I asked. There was silence and then funny mustache dude whispered something in my ear.

"Oh! He"s busy." I frowned. "Yeah, okay, I understand. I mean it's not the first time he's let me down." I felt a tear run down my cheek. "Alright guys, Will couldn't be here tonight, but I just want to say that if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have the most sucky life." I held up my award and faked a smile. "Thank you."

"Aubrey, Aubrey" The paparazzi shouted.

"Aubrey, Aubrey, wake up." This time it was Mrs, Taylor shouting.

F my life.

I had fallen asleep in English and woken up to a very angry Mrs. Taylor. The class let out a few chuckles. She scowled at me, than made her way towards your desk. "WILL!" She shouted.

Your head jerked up and drool fell from your lip. About four months ago, I would have found that adorable, but as you know, that's changed. The class snickered some more, causing Mrs. Taylor to become even more upset.

Isn't it strange how we were both asleep? And isn't it strange how I was kind of dreaming about you? What were you dreaming about, if you were even dreaming?

"Aubrey. Will." She stated. I cringed at our names being put together. "Since you two seem to think my class is nap time, I'm pairing you together for our next project."

F my life.

I just sat in my chair, too shocked to be responsive. Did she really just say that we're partners? There is no freaking way that this could work! I managed to turn around and face you and there you were, smiling at me.

Every bone in my body melted. Your smile... whoa. To be honest, it's the greatest smile I've ever seen. The last time I saw it was last Wednesday. You were smiling a Lisha, but this time.... This time you were smiling at me. I was on cloud nine.

F my effin life.

Why was I so happy that you were smiling at me? More importantly, why did I find myself smiling back!?

"Um, Mrs. Taylor, we can't be partners." I was surprised by my words, but at the same time, I wasn't.

"Well that's too bad, Ms. Barrota, because this is final." I heard you let out a chuckle. "Projects are due in six weeks. Here's the information sheet. The project is about love, so feel free to let your emotions show in your project.."

F MY LIFE!!!!!

Six weeks of working with you. That's 42 days. That's ridiculous. I think this whole thing is a conspiracy! Don't you?Love,

P.S, Have you read the sheet? One of the questions is: Have you ever been in love?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the late update. My internet has been down, but now I'm back and on fire! haha. Anyway.... Sorry if this sucked. Let me know your opinion though. COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!!!!

Oh and thanks invisible me. She came up with this :D