Status: I'll update as soon as I can.

Dear Jerk-face

October 2nd

Dear Jerk-face,

It feels nice to be writing you again. It's been days since the last letter, but only because I've been trying my very best to avoid you. Writing you just didn't seem appropriate, but a lot happened this weekend that I need to talk about. I'd tell Ashley, but she just wouldn't understand.

First thing first, yesterday was my date with Nick. I'm getting all giggly just thinking about it. We went bowling. Don't you dare say that's lame, because it was the sweetest date I've ever been on. I won, of course, and no, Nick did not let me win. I beat him fair and square. At the end of the date, he walked me to my door. And no, there was no kiss. He gave me a peck on the cheek, but that's it. Our next date is on Friday too.

It was absolutely perfect. Unlike our first date.

Where did we go again? Oh yeah, the drive-in. A new one had just opened and everyone was there. Mainly old married couples trying to relive their past, but there were some teenagers there too.

The drop-outs and skanks.

Enough said.

The rest of our dates weren't bad though. It was just the first. I remember all that night I had been debating whether or not I should go out with you again. Right before I fell asleep, I said no, but that's not how it ended up. You tricked me into going out with you again. To be honest, I thought it was kind of cute, but I would never admit that out loud. Hehe.

Now here's the good part. Earlier today was Melony's birthday party. On the invitation, not only was my brother's name, but also mine. So much for avoiding you.

So we got to the moonwalk place and there you were, sitting at a table, stuffing your mouth with pizza. After being tackled by your sister, she told me to go sit at the same table you were.

"Melony, did you do this on purpose!?" I asked her.

She giggled. " That's just the big kid table."

Five minutes and several protests later, I was at that terrible table, sitting in an equally terrible chair. You just stared at me amused. I stared back. Then you started to full on smile. It took everything in me to look mad at you. We both know very well what your smile does to me.

"I heard you went on a date with Nick." You stated.

I winced at the sound of your voice. For the first time in months, you were talking to me. I opened my mouth, but no words came out. So many things were running through my head. There was so much I wanted to say and I couldn't pick one. It had to be meaningful. I had to have confidence. There was no turning back now. There was nowhere for me to hide.

"Are you serious?" I asked. That was definitely not one of the things running through my head.

"What do you mean?" That was such a good question, because I didn't have a clue.

"Did you really just ask me if I went on a date with Nick?" I was starting to think clearly again. I was not about to be fooled by you. My guard was all the way up.

"No. I said that's what I heard." You corrected. "I just wanted to know if it was true."

"Why do you care?"

You sat up in your seat. "Because I need to keep an eye on him. That guy's an ass!"

"And you aren't!?" I yelled. You just stared at me, again, shocked. "Did you ever stop and think that you're an ass!? That maybe there's a reason I don't talk to you or want anything to do with you! You tore me apart, Will!" You bowed your head in shame. Tears started to fall from my eyes. "We were happy, right!? There was no reason we had to break up! You lied to me for no absolute reason! If you didn't like me anymore, you just had to tell me! I would've understood! But no." Nobody noticed the scene I was making. No one was there to save me. "Why did you lie to me?" I whispered.

You looked up at me. Tears were in your eyes too. I'd never seen you cry before. I didn't like at all. As you opened your mouth to say something, a stampede of kids ran in the party room. shouting "CAKE TIME!!!!!"

I told Jake I had to go and would pick him up later. Then I told Melony I wasn't feeling well, but would make leaving her party early up to her later. I went to my car and started to drive away. Out of my rear view mirror, I could see you running after me, so I pushed harder on the gas, leaving you behind.Love,
♠ ♠ ♠
I finally updated!!! I like this chapter. It just might be my favorite.