Maya and Tessa Plus Fueled by Ramen


When the advertisements ended, the show picked back up on the interviews, Pete Wentz's voice narrating in the background. "Next up is our youngest contestant of age eighteen, Christofer Drew Ingle." The screen cut to a shot of Chris playing his ukulele and singing a cute folksy song, watching the camera apprehensively. "His interests include writing songs, reading, drinking tea, and shopping." The scene cut to a different scene, where Chris was studying a pair of suede brown moccasin shoes with peace signs on them. "Um, I guess it wouldn't be so bad to win," They were back to a poorly-lit interview room, as Chris nervously twisted a piece of his hair around his finger, smiling nervously. "but I guess I wouldn't mind if I lost, either."

The camera panned back to show the viewers that the poor lighting was because of the fact that the only lighting in the room was Pete Wentz, shining a flashlight at Chris. "Hey, it's called 'recessed lighting,' okay?" Pete snapped, and clicked the flashlight off.


The shot quickly cut back to the house - specifically, the front entrance. Tessa and Maya silent-screamed together for a few seconds, hopping up and down, giggling, and mainly just acting like two giddy school-girls (which they were, to be honest), before calming down almost immediately. "How's my hair?" Tessa asked, attempting to smooth down a few locks unsuccessfully.

"It's fine. How's my teeth?" Maya asked nervously, licking them a little.

"You mean, how's your lips. Put on more lipgloss, girl." Tessa advised, handing her a pot of cherry-red lipgloss, which Maya quickly grabbed and dabbed on, before closing the lid and putting the thing onto the nearest side table.

They did a few other inspections - panty lines, fly-away hairs, but the door was knocked on again, this time sounding impatient. The two girls looked at each other with huge grins pasted on their face - then quickly replaced them with cool, suave expressions, before opening the door.

The boys started pouring in, with 'It's Raining Men' playing in the background - one by one, the musicians sauntered into the house, as Maya and Tessa smiled and said hellos, both of them barely able to speak as they finally got to speak to the men they'd dreamed abouthaving sex with for so many years.


There was a dramatic flash as the shot panned to a fast-motion scroll of the house, Pete narrating again. "The house includes six bedrooms -" A shot of a large and spacious bedroom with a double bed and two small closets, one at each end of the room flashed into view, "an underground pool with a sauna and steam room - " a view of the pristine pools, a jacuzzi blasting away in the background, "an entertainment-slash-party room," a room with a pool table, a foosball table, an air-hockey table, plasma-screen TV with practically every gaming console known to man, "a living room, three-car garage, three bathrooms, and a large kitchen, which comes with its own staff members to cook all of your meals. Pretty lavish, but it's only the basics when you're living in the Playboy Mansion."

The screen flashed back to an interview with two people this time - "Our two other contestants from My Chemical Romance - Gerard Way and Frank Iero. Twenty-eight and twenty-six respectively, the two share a lot in common." The screen panned into a close-up shot of the two, as Pete asked them a few questions. "Free Michael or Free Martha?" He asked, and the answer was instantanious.

"Kindersex." Frank assured, crossing his arms and nodding. Gerard chuckled under his breath. There was a slight silence, and then Gerard proceeded, "Wait, who? Michael... Oh, Michael Jackson. Martha? Who's Mar- oh, I see. Yeah."

"... Lock 'em both up." Frank proceeded, nodding again. Gerard nodded along. "Yeah. Together."


Everybody was now assembled around in the living room, either sitting, standing up, or sitting on the ground, as Maya and Tessa started talking.

"Once a week, every week, we'll eliminate one person." Maya started off bluntly, filing her nails for some reason. "How we'll be selecting, is by simply hanging out with you guys - and choosing who feels right, and who doesn't. We'll also have special events picked out - like the premier party. Which is next week." Tessa continued for Maya, and everybody looked around the room, nervously, everybody trying to guess who would be eliminated... and who would stay.
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