You Can Call Me Baby All the Time

I need you here with me

Bob and I had eventually found the right dress for the wedding and were now sitting inside one of New York's many branches of Starbucks.

"Do you know what it was Frank had to get?" I asked Bob, stirring my latte.

He shrugged, "Something for his guitar, I can't remember."

I nodded and continued to dip my spoon in my coffee.

"Ruby, do you think you'll be with Frank forever?" Bob asked suddenly.

I looked up at him, a little perplexed, "Yeah. Why?"

"No reason. I just wondered. You looking forward to the wedding?"

I almost laughed, "I wouldn't exactly say I'm looking forward to it but it should be... interesting."

Bob grinned, "That it should."

Suddenly a pair of arms dropped around my shoulders and a kiss was placed on my temple.

"Hey, did you get your dress?" Frank asked.

"Yup," I pointed to the bag occupying the chair next to Bob as Gee sat beside me and promptly stole my coffee, "Did you get your guitar thingy?"

"Yup," he replied, holding up a small bag.

"Do you guys want to stick around or can we head home?" I looked up at Frank who shrugged.

"I'm ready to go."

Gee nodded as he drained my cup of coffee, "Me too."

We all piled out onto the street and headed back to the car.

"Is everything okay?" I asked Frank as he slid an arm around my shoulders and took my bag from me.

He looked down at me and smiled, "Totally fine. Why?"

"I don't know you just seem, preoccupied," I shrugged.

"I'm just nervous about the wedding and stuff, that's all."

I put my arms around his waist and squeezed him, "You'll be fine."

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