You Can Call Me Baby All the Time

how my mistakes have made your heart break

Frank wriggled around in his seat, trying to get comfortable.

Ruby glanced over at him from her magazine, rolling her eyes.

"Why are planes so un-fucking-comfortable?," he grumbled.

"We're almost there, it won't be much longer. At least we don't have to wait at baggage reclaim and Johnny should be waiting for us."

"Are you sure you're okay staying at your old apartment," Frank turned to face her, "I mean you haven't been there since -"

"Since Chris died. I know. I'll be okay," she tried to smile reassuringly at him.

Frank took her hand and brought it to his mouth, placing a soft kiss to her skin, "As long as you're sure. You know this'll be the first time I see your brother as your boyfriend."

Ruby grinned at him, "Nervous?"

Frank squirmed and shrugged, "He's your brother and he's a lot bigger than me. Hell yeah, I'm nervous."

"But you and Johnny are friends too. He's fine about us being together, he knows what kind of guy you are and he trusts you," Ruby smiled.

Frank didn't look convinced, "You're still his baby sister."

Ruby leaned over and kissed his cheek, "It'll be fine, I promise."

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