You Can Call Me Baby All the Time

I found my place in the world

Frank stumbled towards the kitchen, half-asleep.

"Hey," he greeted Johnny with a half wave as he opened the fridge.

The older man looked up from his laptop and over at his friend as he retrieved a bottle of water.

"Can I talk to you Frank?"

"Sure," the guitarist replied and dropped into the chair across the table.

"It's about you and Ruby."

Frank was suddenly wide awake and he sat up straight, "Look, if you're going to give me the 'break her heart and I'll break your legs' speech you really don-"

"It's not that," Johnny cut him off and Frank breathed a sigh of relief, "I was just wondering exactly how serious you are about her. Cause she seems to have completely fallen for you. I just want to know how it is from your side."

"I feel exactly the same way about Ruby. I know we've not been a couple for long but as soon as I met her I knew there was something there. It sounds really cheesy and shit but I can't imagine being without her," he ran a hand through his messy hair, "I don't want to imagine being without her."

Johnny smiled, "Good. I trust you and after all the fucked up shit she's been through this past year she needs someone like you to be there for her."

Frank nodded, "I know. She still has nightmares about the night Chris died."

"She does? She didn't tell me about those."

Frank shrugged, "I only know cause I've been sleeping next to her when she has them. She doesn't like talking about it but I wish she would. I think she has that survivor's guilt thing."

"She'll talk to you when she's ready. Ruby usually does things in her own time," Johnny smiled, "She never was one for doing things the same way as everyone else."

"Yeah," Frank agreed with a grin.

"So you guys are pretty serious then? Living together and stuff?"

Frank took a deep breath and nodded, "Yeah, about that. There was something I wanted to ask you."

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