You Can Call Me Baby All the Time

surely you can take some comfort

I smiled at Gerard, "We did not get married. These," I held up my left hand and wiggled my ring finger that was sporting a silver band, "are promise rings."

"Awww, that's like marriage but without the vows and the pre-nup," Gerard smiled, "Little Frankie and Ruby are all grown-up."

I rolled my eyes at him and felt Frank's arm slide around my waist.

"I thought you guys went to get tattooed?" Mikey asked.

"We did," Frank replied, lifting his shirt sleeve to show Mikey the bandage around his upper arm.

"What about you?" Bob asked me.

"She chickened out," Frank answered for me.

"I did not chicken out. I just couldn't decide where I wanted it to go. I'll get it next time," I turned to look at Frank's smirking face, "You wouldn't even let me see yours."

He leaned in close to me and my heart sped up a little, even after three months of officially being 'together' he could still make me feel like a giddy teenager.

"That's cause it's a secret," he said softly.

"Okay. Enough of this chit chat. We have a show to play," Gee announced.

"You going to be okay staying here by yourself?" Frank asked me as the rest of the guys headed for the front door of the hotel.

I smiled at him and nodded, "Totally fine. I need to call Belle and catch up with her anyway. Have a good show."

I brushed my lips against his and moved to pull away but his thumbs had hooked into my belt loops and our bodies crashed together as he crushed my lips beneath his.

"See you later," he breathed, his face centimeters from mine.

"I love you," I said quietly.

"I love you too," he grinned as he followed the rest of the guys out of the hotel.

I bit my lip to restrain my grin and wandered over to the elevators that would take me to our suite on the 52nd floor.

If someone had told me that fateful night I lost my best friend and proceeded to drown my sorrows with alcohol that nine months later I would be the happiest I had ever been I would have thought they were high.

Life was good.

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