You Can Call Me Baby All the Time

I'm all over you

"Hi," I smiled at Frank when I eventually found him again.

"Thank God! I thought you'd fallen down the toilet or something!"

I laughed at his relieved face and kissed him gently, "Let's go home."

"Isn't there photos and speeches and stuff?" he frowned, letting me take his hand and lead him away from the house.

I shrugged, "I just want to go home."

"No arguments from me," Frank grinned, racing ahead so that he was towing me along behind him.

Within ten minutes we were in a cab heading back to my old apartment.

"So what happened in the bathroom to make you want to leave so fast? Not that I'm complaining," Frank asked.

I shrugged and looked down at our intertwined hands, "I just heard some things and -"

"What kind of things?"

I sighed, "Uh, that I was secretly sleeping with Chris, that I'm a drunk, that my dad doesn't think you're good enough for me."

"Who said all that?" Frank asked angrily.

"My brand new stepmother," I looked up at him.

He shook his head, "You're better than them. You know that, right? You're a better person than they'll ever be."

I looked into his hazel eyes and melted, "I know, and it's all cause of you. If I hadn't met you, then," I sighed, "I don't even want to think about what kind of person I would've been."

Frank leaned over and kissed me slowly, our lips barely touching, "You don't have to think about that cause we're together and you are you and nothing is going to change that."

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