You Can Call Me Baby All the Time

would you smother me

Ruby stood in her bathroom and wiped the last of her eyeliner off.

"I can't wait to get back to Jersey," she yawned as she wandered towards the bed.

"You're like a real Jersey girl now," Frank laughed as she sat down beside him on the rainbow striped comforter.

Ruby shrugged and pulled her cotton slip over her knees, "It does have things no other state has."


She grinned and leaned towards him, "You."

Frank grinned and pecked her lips, "You get cheesy when you're sleepy."

"I can't help it," Ruby shrugged and leaned back against the pillows next to him.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Shoot," she nodded as she took out her earrings and placed them on the small bedside table.

"Are you glad you went to the wedding?"

Ruby sighed, "Yeah, in the end. I think it kind of opened my eyes. I mean, those people are supposed to be my family and, other than Johnny, they blatantly do not give a shit about me. They only care about keeping up appearances and being seen doing the right things in the right places with the right people. If that's what being a West means then I don't want to be one anymore."

"What about an Iero?" Frank blurted.

"What?" Ruby frowned.

"What about being an Iero instead? This isn't exactly how I had planned this but," he slid off the bed and started rummaging in his backpack.

"Is this what you were being weird about in New York?"

Frank smiled sheepishly as he knelt down in front of her, "Yeah. So, um, God this is difficult. Ruby, you're the most beautiful person I've ever known and watching you go through all the shit you've had to deal with just showed me that you are amazingly strong too. I love you so much. Fuck it, will you marry me?"

She pressed her hand to her mouth and a tear slid down her face, "When you put it like that how can I say no?"

Frank leaned up and pressed their lips together, Ruby's hands slid into his hair.

Tears of happiness rolled down their cheeks as Ruby swapped her promise ring from her left hand to her right and Frank slid the engagement ring on her finger.

"I love you so much Frank," Ruby grinned.

"I love you too Ruby," he crushed their lips together.

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So, it's the end of another part in the Frank & Ruby series. Do you want another one? I'll write it if you'll read it (and comment).

Thanks to everyone for reading this story and the ones before it. Huge thanks to everyone who commented, especially the few of you who always comment, I look forward to reading them so much.

The chapter and story titles are from Smother Me by The Used, from the album Lies For The Liars. I know other MCR fans are dead against the Used because of the Bert/Gerard 'feud' or whatever but seriously good music is good music, doesn't matter who's making it.

Every time I type Iero spell check wants to change it to Hero, even my computer loves Frank!