You Can Call Me Baby All the Time

knowing that you're mine

With a sigh I flopped down on the large bed that was Frank and I's for the next two nights. I had called my best friend Belle in Paris and we had chatted for hours but now I was bored.

Pulling my laptop towards me I logged on to and scrolled down the page of Hollywood gossip. These gossip sites were actually kind of interesting when I myself wasn't mentioned. Since Chris's death and my subsequent life change I hardly had any paparazzi following me, even now Frank and I were together, and we didn't exactly hide our relationship.

The first couple of entries were concerning Lindsay Lohan so I bypassed them. The next one caught my attention though.

The entry was a photograph of my father, 'legendary' rocker Jack West, and his fiancée, Melina.

They had apparently sold the photos of their upcoming wedding, which I hadn't been invited to, to Ok! magazine along with a 'reveal all interview about the growing West family' according to the website.

I sat back on the bed and looked at the heavily airbrushed image of the the grinning couple.

I was part of the West family, did they talk about me? Why I care I don't know, it's not as if I was close to my dad or my future step-mother.

A thought nagged at the back of my head, my father didn't know me now. The Ruby he knew spent her time drinking, partying and spending money. He didn't know the real me, the person I was now.

I read the rest of the entry and found out that the magazine came out today. There was a little newsstand in the lobby of the hotel. I sat on the edge of the bed and fought with myself, the only way to know what they had said would be to read the interview, but why did I care what they thought?

Deep down maybe I still sought some sort of approval from my dad. Why I don't know, I'm not a shrink, if I was I'm sure I'd be a hell of a lot more balanced.

Biting my bottom lip I got up off of the bed, grabbed the closest hoodie I could find, which happened to be Frank's, pulled it over my white tank top and baggy, black shorts. Making sure I had the key to the room I walked out into the hallway and closed the door behind me.

As I walked towards the elevators I had a sinking feeling that I wasn't going to like what as in the interview but part of me had to know.

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