You Can Call Me Baby All the Time

just hold me tight

Frank stumbled into the hotel room, wiped out from the show he had just played.

"I'm getting too old for this," he mumbled to himself, rubbing his sore neck.

He stopped in front of the huge bed and a grin split his face. Ruby lay on top of the comforter, in a pair of his basketball shorts and his hoodie, fast asleep.

Quietly Frank slid his jeans off and tossed the jacket he had been wearing onto the chair in the corner of the room. He lay down on the bed carefully, not wanting to wake Ruby.

Tucking his knees behind hers and draping his right arm over her body he ran a finger over the silver band on her left hand. Although they had only been a couple for three months Frank felt that he knew Ruby enough to know that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.

Resting his head beside Ruby's he thought back to before he had met her. He used to think that she was just another socialite, another rich kid with nothing else to do but spend her parents money on clothes and alcohol.

But really, he couldn't have been more wrong.

The Ruby he knew was the opposite of that, sure she enjoyed going out and having a good time but underneath all that was a damaged, mixed up girl that just needed someone to see her for who she really was.

Frank knew that her best friend Chris had seen the real Ruby and had loved her for who she was. His death still haunted Ruby and she had the occasional nightmare about the night he was killed. He knew she blamed herself, that it was her idea to go out when Chris hadn't wanted to, her idea to leave when they did so in her logic it was her fault they were on the road at the same time as the drunk driver that had hit their car.

With a sigh Frank reached out and brushed some of the dark hair that curtained Ruby's face behind her ear. Sometimes it freaked him out how much he loved her, how good it was to know that she was his and he was hers.

He glanced at the bandage around his arm and smiled, soon the world would know exactly how serious he was about Miss Ruby West.

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