You Can Call Me Baby All the Time

lay by my side

I was woken up by someone pounding on the hotel room door. Blinking a couple of times to focus my eyes I glanced at the clock on the nightstand, nine twenty-five.

"Stop the noise," grumbled a very familiar voice behind me as an arm tightened its grip around my waist.

I looked down at a set of knuckles that read 'Hallo' and smiled, "I don't know who's making the noise so I can't stop it."

"Maybe they'll go away," Frank reasoned sleepily.

I smirked and turned around to face him, "What if they don't?"

His eyes were still closed, "Then I'll kick their ass," he rested his head in the crook of my neck, "later."

The pounding continued, and if anything got louder.

"I'm going to answer that," I informed Frank, pecking his cheek before I slid out of his grasp.

I glanced back at him when I reached the door and saw that he had gone back to sleep after replacing my body with my pillow.

Rolling my eyes I opened the door and narrowly missed being smacked in the face by Bob, "Hi, you are aware that it's 9:30 on a day off?" I asked.

"Have you seen this?" he asked, waving a copy of Ok! in his hand.

"Oh, uh, yeah. I picked one up last night. But I uh, didn't read it," I said quietly.

"Well I did and no offense but your dad," he pointed at the glossy version of my father in his hand, "is an asshat."

I felt a smile slip onto my lips, "An asshat?"

Bob nodded, "He knows jack shit about you. No offense."

"None taken," I smiled again.

"You should read it, really it's not bad about you. Mostly it's just obvious that he was a shitty dad," Bob shrugged, "And that Melina chick? Only has two things going for her if you know what I mean."

I laughed at my friend as I watched his expression soften, obviously needing to get this off his chest, so to speak.

"Thanks Bob, it's good to know you've got my back," I hugged him tightly.

"Who has who's back?" Frank mumbled as he appeared beside me, rubbing his tired eyes.

"I have Ruby's back if any shit goes down because of this," Bob held up the magazine he was still clutching.

"What shit?" Frank squinted.

"I'll tell you later. Bye, Bob," I waved and closed the door.

Frank turned to face me, "What shit?"

"My dad and Melina gave a 'tell all' interview to a magazine," I shrugged, brushing past him and over to the window of the hotel room.

I reached up and opened the curtains, letting the Miami sunlight flood the room.

"What were they 'telling all' about?" Frank asked from behind me.

I shrugged and looked out at the beach in the distance, "Their wedding, the new baby. I don't know, I haven't read it."

"Do you want to?" he was standing behind he, his hands loosely on my hips.

I leaned back against his lean chest and shrugged, "Kind of. Bob said that nothing that bad about me is in it. Just that my dad didn't come across very well."

"I thought I heard the word asshat," Frank chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and looked up at him, his too-long hair tickling my cheek.

He continued to look out the window, "I agree with Bob, your dad is an asshat. I don't think you need to read that interview to know that."

"Oh?" I asked, following his gaze out to the crashing waves.

I felt him shrug, "Yeah, it's pretty obvious. I mean if he can be a shitty father to you then really, he's not worth your time."

I frowned and nodded, it was true that my dad wasn't going to win 'Best Father in the World' anytime soon, as far as I was concerned anyway.

But he was still my dad, my mum had obviously found something about him to make her love him as much as she did, I guess I wanted to know what it was too.

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