Status: Purely for fun! Updates come as we are inspired...which is quite often! Enjoy!!!

Joel-eo and...Margaret?

Chapter 1

I don’t think I can stand this anymore.

“Oh my God, he tried to friend me AGAIN!” I scream.

“No way, again?!” My best friend Alanna said, walking behind me looking at my computer monitor. My friend requests were open on Facebook, and yet again, he was there. Joel.

“This is a sign Maggie.”

“A sign of what? He’s an insane stalker?” I said. My eyes were reading the request over and over, to make sure I was reading it correctly.

“No… He loves you Mags.”

‘Well he has to get it through his thick skull that I don’t.” I put my mouse over the “ignore” button. Hesitating, wondering if I should ignore his request for the third time.

“Mags don’t ignore him again. He loves you!”

“If he really loves me, he will just leave me alone! I closed facebook and turned around in my chair. Alanna was sitting on my bed trying not to laugh, she just couldn’t help herself.

“Don’t laugh at me! This isn’t funny! Don’t you think 3 requests are a little stalker-ish?”

“Well, yea… kind of. But if you don’t want to hear from him again block him.” I looked at her with that “your kidding me” expression.

“That would be really mean. I don’t like him, but that doesn’t mean I should block him…”

Three days later…

That request was still in my inbox. I looked at it every time I opened my Facebook page. I couldn’t decide what to do with it. I’d open the inbox and just stare at the picture. His kind of too large head barely fit into the picture.

“Why does he like me? Most people hate me, but this crazy guy just has to be the weird one and like me?” I said to myself, while my dog stared me down.

“Lady, I wasn’t talking to you.” She walked over and sat at my feet with her big brown eyes, and her half of a tail waving around like a pompom. I scratched her head and turned back to my monitor. Alanna was on, so I thought I’d ask her what to do.

“Hey. what r u up 2?”

“Not much. I still have his friend request in my inbox. What should I do with it?”

“Just friend him and get it over with”

“WHAT! He’s a stalker! No way!”

“Than ignore it and block him.”

“But then I’d feel bad...”

“Make up your mind. You either friend him or ignore it.”

“You are NO help at all.”

“I know. You’re welcome :)”

“Have plans?”


“Want to come over?”

“I’ll ask my mom and call you, okay?”

“Sure. Talk 2 u later.”


I closed the page and laughed. I was this concerned about something related to a guy I hate. I turned on my Vitamin String Quartet mix and relaxed until Alanna called. Of course, as soon as I got comfortable, the phone rang.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, this is my first chapter.
I thought I might have blown it, but I'll let you decide.
Please Comment!
Alanna, I hand this off to you...