Eternity with a Schizo

Eternity with a Schizo - Chapter 2

Not really.
I really hated Chem because no one sat at my table, which meant I had to do experiments all by myself.
Not so much.
It was a few minutes into class when the door opened and a stranger walked in. After a moment of studying his face, I realized that I’d never seen him around the school before.
Which meant that he was the new kid.
And boy, was he hot!
“Is this…Mrs. Port’s Chemistry class?” he asked, squinting at a sheet of paper he had in his hand.
“Yes,” Mrs. Port responded, smiling welcomingly. “You must be the new student! Let’s see…” She scuffled over to her desk, searching for something.
“What’s you’re name again?”
“David,” he replied politely.
“Ah, yes! That’s right. David Patrelli, am I correct?”
He nodded.
I tried to focus on the nail polish that was chipping off my finger, but I seemed to keep getting distracted by David’s eyes. He sported deep blue and dazzling eyes that were framed with dark, thick lashes.
“Alrighty, you can go ahead and sit next to Victoria and then we’ll be all set to return to the lesson. Vi, raise you hand dear, so he knows where to sit.”
I didn’t see much of a point in raising my hand, seeing as there was only one seat open, but I did anyway.
His eyes met mine for a moment as he walked toward my table. I quickly averted my gaze, annoyed that the slightest little thing got me blushing.
I moved my stuff off his side of the table hastily and crammed it on mine. My table – or, our table – was on the far right of the room, next to the window. I shoved up against the window, giving him as much room as possible.
I looked out the window and noticed the sun shower occurring outside. I felt at ease, watching the beautiful colors of the sky mix with the trees and grass’ lush green, all intricately mixing perfectly with the rainwater drizzling down from the clouds. I listened to the pitter-patter of the water droplets hitting the glass and I fell into a peaceful trance.
I was so calmed that I almost forgot a super hot guy was sitting next to me.
Almost. But not quite.
While I stared out the window, I timidly wondered if he was smart. I really couldn’t afford another F, let alone another explosion.
I turned to look at him and he smiled at me, as if he’d been waiting just to greet me. I smiled back, a bit dazed by his sincerity.
And call me crazy, but when he smiled that smile to someone as helpless as me, I couldn’t help but stare.
“What?” he asked in a whisper. “I don’t bite…”
I was frightened by his sudden words and embarrassed that I’d been staring like a fool.
“Um…nothing, sorry,” I lied.
Note to self: Never stare at a hot guy like a love sick puppy unless you want to live the rest of your life alone.
I mentally smacked myself and focused my attention to Mrs. Port’s lecture. She was talking about mixing rubbing alcohol with some chemical that I didn’t quite catch. After a few minutes of listening to her talk about something I completely and totally did not understand, I began to get drowsy.
Huh. Maybe this is why I explode things.
I decided that whether or not I would fail, I couldn’t keep myself awake any longer and needed to take a short nap.
I covered my eyes with the fluff of my hair, using the same tactic I used in math earlier that day. Within seconds I was half-sleeping, half-listening, just incase she called my name. I mastered this incredibly useful technique in the fifth grade, and it has never once failed me.
The class went on without trouble, and I was only vaguely aware of David’s presence.
I woke up two minutes before the bell rang, and I quickly stuffed my things into my backpack.
Finally, it was almost the end of the day and my next class was my favorite one – History. My teacher was mad cool and he made everything fun to learn.
“Um, Victoria, right?” I heard someone say from behind me.
I turned to face the questioner with a response when I noticed that it was David who had said that to me.
I swung my bag over my shoulder and nodded, not trusting myself to speak.
“Do you know where…“ He paused to look at his schedule, locating the right section. “Mr. Jones’s classroom is?”
I stared incredulously, “Mr. Jones?”
No way! Does he really have another class with me?
“Um. Yes. Do you know?” He smirked a little.
I nodded again. “Yeah, I do. He’s actually my next class.”
“Oh! Do you mind if I walk with you?”
I shook my head vigorously. “No, no, not at all.”
I was never the type of girl to turn into a total ditz for guys, but BOY was he making me swoon.
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lol this is the first time I've ever gotten two chapters out in one night, but I'm pretty excited about this story.
please comment, subscribe, message, or whatever, and tell me what you think!
it would be much much MUCH appreciated :D