Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 1

August 2004

*Jenna-Louise’s POV*

“So how did the competition go last night?” I asked my twenty-nine year old brother.

“It was the fucking shit! I won!”

If there was one thing you should know about my brother Steven is that he has been trying to win first place in the UK air guitar competition for the past 11 years. He is the smelliest rocker ever, according to his friends.

I let him rabble down a couple minutes down the phone before interrupting him.

“Awesome. Are you coming over here to me for a while soon or to mom?”

“Does it look like I can afford to buy a ticket to ‘merica? Plus mam is paying for me to go to Ireland. SCORE!” Steven yelled.

My family wasn’t exactly close. My dad is America died, my mom is Irish and lives in Ireland and my brother likes to think he’s English. Great huh?

After my dad died mom opted to go to Ireland to her sister, while I stayed here. Steven moved to England on his 18th birthday with his long term girlfriend who is still with him.

“You cheap skate! You should get a better job or start doing your own job properly. That way you will make a thing call money!”

“Damn I fucked for sure then. Talking ‘bout jobs didn’t you say something about getting a new job?”

I rolled my eyes. I told the guy everything from sex to food but it didn’t mean he would ever listen to me.

“I’m a hooker.”

“What? You can’t! Quit it! I don’t want a whore of a sister. Plus your boobs are to big.”

“PEVERT you can never have boobs to big for that job! Nah I’m a bus driver for some band on something called Chaos Of Taste, I think, with bands in it.”

“Gary said it last time you were over so HA! You ass its Taste Of Chaos not Chaos Of Taste! I’m ashamed to call you family!” the funny thing is he really did sound disgusted.

“It’s not my fault I don’t know what these tour things are called! I only buy cds you know that ‘cause there mostly your cds I rob!”

“I always knew that was you robbing my things. Any who. Who are driving ‘round and can you hook me up with some tickets?”

“I think Brian said The Used Romance or My Chemicaled. I haven’t started yet will you give me chance and let me see what I can do!”

“Fair enough. But get me them anyway. My darling sister I love you and all but I do need my sex. So fuck off! “

I giggled. “Love you to Steve.”

I hung up and looked at the three bags on the floor in front of me. I was seriously stoked about gonna be a bus driver. Sounds lame but hey I change jobs like celebrity’s change their shoes.

Jamia walked in with two cups of coco in her hand. “I’m gonna miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too Mia. But remember you can always visit me on tour and I could hook you up.”

Jamia Nestor was my best friend. We both went to some crap ass Catholic school in New Jersey and we instantly became best friends. She helped me out after Jay and I helped her with the chubby guy in high school. But I knew she had a thing for him.

“Try no to fuck to many guys or he’ll think you’re a slut.” She giggled.

I knew exactly who she was talking about and I began playing with the platinum ring on my finger. She rested her head on my shoulder were we talked for a while until I left.

I waited outside Starbucks smoking waiting for Brian. A backpack on my back and front, and a small suitcase under my ass. A familiar tattooed small guy walked towards me.

“I see you packed.” Brian smiled. I know it’s a terrible thing to say about my boss on the first day but if I had the chance I would do him. “Need a hand?”

“Yeah sure.” I handed him the backpack on my front and followed him around the corner. “So who am I driving around and when do I meet them?”

“in five minutes. There called My Chemical Romance-” okay so maybe I did get the name of the band wrong so what? “Two black haired; Gerard’s is longer than Frank’s. Two brown haired; Ray is the one with the fro and Mikey is the one with glasses. And Bob he’s the blond one.”

“Rad.” Great I was gonna be living with five guys. We walked over to the guys who all looked our direction in annoyance.

“Guys this is Jenna-Louise Margera. She is your new bus driver.” No I am not related to Bam.

They all grumbled a hi and the smallest one ran towards me. He hugged me and I was terrified. I guess everyone saw my face ‘cause they all laughed.

“Don’t worry. Frank is naturally a hyper active freak.” The blond one commented. Maybe it might not be as bad as I thought.