Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 10

A week before Christmas and it was pissing rain. I switched on the wipers to go faster. I was driving down the nearly traffic free roads. God bless America and its back roads.

By now I could see fucking nothing, even at 20 km/hr. I heard the engine make a strange noise and it started to slow down. So I’d no choice but to pull into the most uneven grounded, muddiest parking lot I’d even seen.

“Shit.” I mumbled as I watched smoke climbed the windscreen.

“What’s wrong?” Mikey shouted from the back.

“Something’s wrong with the engine. Back in a sec.” I said, completely switching off the engine. On the way out I grabbed someone’s board for my back.

I slid under the bus and immediately slide right back out, but this time I was covered in a black sticky substance. Oil. The shit would never come out of my clothes; I learnt this on one of my previous jobs.

I slipped off my jumper and wrapped it around the oil leak so I could investigate the engine better. I found, well actually I didn’t find a fan belt and knew there wasn’t another one on the bus.

“Need a hand?” I heard Bob call from, erm, outside. I slide back out again.

He was towering over me with an umbrella. “Yeah. But get rid of the umbrella its no use now.” He did so. “Do we have a scissors?”

“I think so. I’ll get it.” He came back seconds later with a scissors and handed it to me.

“Take off you jumper.”

He looked at his hoody and then to me. “Why?” his face was scrunched up.

“Just do it.” He took it off and I started eyeing up his tee shirt. “Do you like that tee shirt?”

He frowned. “Erm not really. Are you planning on making me strip or something?”

I laughed. “No you idiot.” I cut the bottom of his tee shirt and slide it over his head before replacing it as my fan belt.

Happy with myself I went to switch the engine back on. And do you think the fucking thing would start? No.

I whacked my head off the steering wheel a couple of times. Then I called breakdown cover. They’d be here in four-whole fucking-hours. And the guys had to be there in two.

I ran off the bus to get the guys back on. Toro grabbed me. “Don’t go out there.”

“Why the fuck not?” I asked getting a smack of mud across my face.

“That’s..that’s why.” Toro laughed.

Frank was clutching his sides rolling around on the ground laughing.

“You!” I snarled. I was like the devil reincarnated.

Forty minutes after a very fun mud war, a Taste Of Chaos bus pulled up in the parking lot.

“Yay. We’re being saved.” Frank and Gerard proclaimed. They had gotten the worst of it.

The bus driver pulled down his window. “Everything okay?”

“No the engine won’t start.” He glanced at the guys then back to me. He gave me the you-look-fucking-crazy look, which I am might I add. “Listen you wouldn’t have room for six people, a drum kit and three guitars would ya?”

he nodded and we loaded the stuff onto the bus. I was the last one to get on the bus and I only realized then it was The Used bus. Crap how was I gonna avoid Bert now?

I decided that there wasn’t enough in the room in the main cabin. It was mostly true though ‘cause there was like eight guys, a dog, drums and guitars. I went to the driver’s compartment and found Bob there.


I jumped onto his lap. “Hey Robert!”

“What are you doing?”

Crossing my legs I answered him. “Well it would seem I am sitting on your lap ‘cause you stole my seat.”

He shrugged. “Okay. But I’m not getting up.”

“Me neither. But be warned I have a bony ass, its worse than Franks.”

He groaned and tried to push me off but that didn’t work!