Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 11

“Lou get off.” Frank whined.

“No Frankenstein. I carry you ‘round all the time. Now you have to return the favor.”

He groaned, “How much does Brian pay you?”

“Enough to make me live with you whores.”

Mikey laughed at poor Frank’s misery. “Don’t worry Way your next.”

I wanted to shopping and I decided to take the little ones with me. Yes Frank and Mikey are the little ones to me.

“Wanna go Starbucks?” I asked.

“Hell yes!” they said in harmony making their way over there anyway. I walked into a shop and bought the guys some things. I kinda forgot to get them Christmas presents like two months ago. So I thought it would be nice to them for them. Better late than never, as my dad would say.

I went to England for Christmas, it was my godchild’s, Bella, first Christmas and there was no way in hell I was going to miss it.

I walked into the rocker shop and got myself some jeans and tops. I also got the guys some hoodys and tops too.

After that I somehow managed to drag both guys into Victoria’s Secrets. I got several funny looks from the middle-aged lady behind the till. So I went up and confronted her. “Sorry could you stop looking at me, my boyfriends are getting freaked out.” She threw a filthy look. I laughed and walked away with the guys following.

“What are we doing here?” Mikey gritted threw his teeth.

I smiled. “Sweetie I need new bras and thongs and I needed someone to watch my bags while I picked them out.” Oh my, if only looks could kill I would have died on the spot. Because I dragged them out of bed really early and now I dragged them into V’s shop.

Mikey came up to me five minutes later with a black and pink corset in his hands. “I don’t know what size Alicia is.” He murmured.


he went a little redder. “Bra size.” He said holding it up in the air.

“Oh. Me neither.” I’m hardly meant to know what one of my best friends bra size is. “Are they bigger or smaller than mine?”

“What?” it was obvious he never went shopping with a girl before, apart from Donna.


“N-n-no. I don’t fucking know.” He stuttered as Frank walked up behind him.

“Dude she’s a 36D.” he said. Mikey turned and just looked at him.

“How did you know that?!” Mikey sounded out raged.

“Calm man, I called her.” After Mikey’s little tantrum we left the store and headed back to the bus. The cheeky fuckers wouldn’t carry their bags ‘cause fans might see us’. Bunch of pussies.

“G. oh Ger-bear- oh Gerard.” I sang loudly and threw a bag at him. He pulled it out and it was still in its packaging.

“Eh Lou I don’t get PMS.” I rolled my eyes and opened the packet for him. I swear rock stars aren’t all that buff, most of the guys are afraid of their mom’s!

When it was unfolded his face lit up. It said ‘Warning Potential Murder Suspect’ written down the top. “Dude this fucking rocks!” he exclaimed then I went to find Toro and Bob.

Typical I found them playing games on the PS. I simply stood in front of the TV and handed them their tops. Bob’s one was a bright green Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle hoody and Toro’s was a top that said, ‘Head Banging God.’

“How did you know?!” Bob asked pulling it on.

“Your pic of the turtle last week kinds of gave it away.” I replied.

“Yeah. Dude Gerard has some competition.” Toro said un-pausing the game. I swear games, coffee, smokes and sleep were what these guys lived on.