Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 12

*Ray’s POV*

I sat playing the tour demos waiting for Gerard and Craig to arrive so they could listen to them.

Gerard had stayed in a hotel last night with Mikey’s hairdresser, so I was told. He must have had a good night ‘cause he came back for an hour when Lou, Mikey and Frank had come back from shopping then he fled again.

Come to think of it I hadn’t seen Lou since an hour ago.

I went out of the studio in search of Bob to see if he would play me in a game. Frank was sprawled out on the sofa. Mikey was on his sidekick, what else would he be doing..

And Bob was deeply concentrating on a game. As I sat down a bleached blond guy walked in.

“Any of you know were I can find Jenna-Lou?” he asked in a thick British accent.

Before I could ask who the hell he was Frank was answering him

“She went to get drink or something like that.” He mumbled not taking his eyes from the TV.

“Fuck.” He murmured.

That’s when Frank realized he had no idea who the guy was.

“Who the fuck are you?!” Frank jumped and his muscles tightened up. I smiled man he looked freaked.

“Steven. Lou’s bro.” He looked at Frank for a second, like he knew him or something. “Your that Iero kid, your dad thought me guitar when we came over here first.”

Frank loosened up a bit so I played Bob in a game of Mario Cart. He always wins.

Lou stumbled into the bus sometime later with a huge bottle of absinthe, which was nearly empty.

“Yo Steve-o my brother. How the fuck are you?” she slurred taking another swing.

“Ho much?” the Steve guy asked her.

“Only two bottles of this ess-essp. Fuck that. This spenive stuff.”

He grabbed the bottle of her and poured it down the sink. Lou did not seem impressed even in her drunken state.

“I need that.” She whined. “I was close to them.” Tears formed her eyes and she swayed to the sofa and fell on it.

Steven knelt down beside her.

I got up and filled a huge glass of water. It was just like when Gerard got drunk, we’d have to force him to drink loads of water to get it out of his system.

Bob and Steven got up to bring Lou into the tiny bathroom so she wouldn’t puke all over the main part of the bus.

After four hours of everyone taking turns of watching Lou get sick, Jamia and Alicia arrived.

“Hey Ray, where’s Frank?” Jamia asked as Alicia strode over to Mikey.

“In the bathroom with Lou and her brother Steve.”

She gave me the look. The woman’s one that tells you you’re a complete fucking nut case. “Lou drank to much.”

She mumbled right under her breath and stomped off to the bathroom. She came out five seconds dragging Frank out with her.

“Why didn’t you stop her?” Jamia asked Frank.

They didn’t seem to acknowledge are presence, as we had all stopped doing what we were doing so we could listen in to their conversation.

“Come Mia she’s been drinking since high school, she can drink all she wants.”

“Frank today is ‘the’ day.”

His facial expression changed into a worried one. “But I though it was next week.”

“No it’s this week. This day.”

At this stage I was wondering if it was safe to ask what ‘the day’ meant.

“Don’t forget it next time.” Jamia shouldered pasted him. Maybe I wouldn’t ask after all.