Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 13

*Gerard’s POV*

I walked back into the bus after Frank had ‘forgotten’ my jacket.

I heard Lou get sick. For the past three days she has been getting sick non-stop in the mornings. And she wasn’t even near alcohol.

“Lou come on I’m taking you to the med’s here.”

“G I’m not sick.” Tears wielded in her eyes. “I’m pregnant.” She whispered and she began crying.

I went down to her level and hugged her. She clung to me with her head buried into my shoulder.

“Sorry. I’m so sorry.” She cried over and over again.

“Sh its okay.”

She looked up at me. “How is it okay? I’m not ready for a kid. I don’t who the father is. I can’t do it on my own. I’m 22 for fucks sake.”

“You have us. And Mia. You’ll be fine.”

“Yeah but you guys are in a band and its what you do. Plus Mia has a job and Frank. I can’t ruin that on her.”

“Your not ruining anything for anyone.” I sighed. “So you honestly don’t know who the father is?”

“No.” she answered a bit to quickly which made me suspicious. “I have no idea who he is.”

“Okay. I believe you. How far are you gone?”

She pulled away and glanced at the three positive pregnancy tests on the floor. “About six weeks.” Lou whispered.

“Do you want to talk about it or do you want me to leave?” I didn’t know what else to say.

But she ignored me and pulled her knees up to her face, rocking herself to and fro. Lou looked around the room not even looking in my direction. I just sat there wondering what she was thinking.

“Do you think I should-” she gulped. “Do you think I should have an abortion?”

“No.” I shock my head. “Do you really want to kill an unborn child?”

She closed her eyes and tears began flowing faster. “No.”

“Then don’t do it.” She stopped rocking herself. “Does anyone else know?”

She nodded. “Steven.”

I smiled weakly. “Is that why he gave you a fucking huge lecture on drinking two super sized bottles of absinthe?”

“Yeah.” She laughed bitterly. “I wanna tell the guys.”

I shrugged. “Okay. Its your choice.” I got up and walked out.

I felt her fingers slip through mine.

*Bob’s POV*

“Ray where the fuck is he?”

“I don’t know. He said he was getting his jacket. Maybe he meet up Bert or Eliza. Or fans.”

I was pissed off I could be getting beauty sleep god knows I fucking need it. But no Gerard had to be an ass and leave us all hanging.

Don’t get me wrong I love the dude but sometimes he just one huge pain in the ass.

“Frank get the fuck away from it. I just set the damn thing up.” I grumbled.

Frank backed slowly away from my drum kit. I watched him until he was a safe enough distance away from it before I turned around.

The second I lay down on the stage my body was ready to sleep.

Then I heard Mikey talk. “Gerard where have you been?”

I sat up and looked at Gerard and Jen. Gerard looked at her and mumbled something.

“I – I’m p-pregnant and I eh-” she stuttered.

“I’m the dad.” Gerard said.

Jen looked slightly shocked or maybe that was just me.

I was just blown away. Man was Gerard some man whore. Blowing Bert. Screwing Eliza. And now knocking up Jen.