Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 14

*Gerard’s POV*

I woke up to the sound of Lou getting sick in the small bathroom. I got up to see if she was ok.

“Hey. You okay in there?”

She nodded. “I hope this goes soon. I fucking hate it so much.” She was sitting Indian style on the floor next to the toilet, which always stinks.

I noticed her eyes trail up and down me, like I was a piece of meat or something.

She broke the silence by breaking into a fir of hysterical laughter. I just stood there and raised my eyebrows not knowing what the fuck was going on.

“Are you sure your okay?”

Her body shock from laughing. “My top says ‘I’m easy, are you hard?’ and you- yours says ‘yes!’” she laughed again. “And it’s so true.”

I looked down myself and what do you know I’m on a boner. Damn that sexy dream that I had. I muttered something and walked out to my bunk.

After I was, em, finished my business I went back into Lou.

I found her crying this time. “Aw shit. What’s wrong? Was it me?” I asked concerned.

“I was laughing next thing you know wow I’m crying. Now I cant stop.” She cried, blowing her nose.

Oh hell were these hormones going to be hell over the next few months.

“Come on lets get ready to piss the hung over people off.” I smiled and took her hand.

It was my birthday yesterday and everyone but me and Lou got hammered. Now we were teaching them a lesson. Well some of them anyway.

I moved around the bed trying to get comfortable and hopefully wake up the person sleeping next to me. On the spur of the moment I whipped off my boxers and threw them at Lou.

She giggled softly and the person who was beside me began stirring.

“Morning babe.” I whispered softly.

“Hello gorgeous.” She said grabbing onto my package. Immediately she let go and spun around. “Your not Mikey!” Alicia squeaked, with a terrified look on her face.

“Sh keep your voice down. I’m gonna fuck with Mikey.”

*Jenna-Lou’s POV*

“Mikey wake up.” I shock the youngest Way.

“What?” he mumbled under the covers.

“I can’t find G. Can you look on the top bunks for me? Please?”

He groaned and turned away from me. I jabbed him in the side. “Please. I need him.”

He pulled off the bed covers and stood up. I handed him his glasses.

“Your niece or nephew thanks uncle Mikey.”

A little grin appeared on his face which was wiped of is face as soon as he pulled Ali’s curtain open.

“What the fuck?” he yelled waking everyone else up.

“Mikey I can explain I’m just-” I heard Alicia say.

“I don’t want to hear it. Why? My brother of all people?”

he must have spotted the ‘used’ condoms I had planted there a few seconds ago.

“The whole thing with Pete. You swore you’d never do that again. You swore nothing would ever happen.”

She sighed taking the whole thing in her stride she jumped down and looked Mikey straight in the eye. “Mikey nothing happened.”

“But how am I meant to believe you, trust you even?”

“Because your brother is an ass hole ” she smiled. “He was trying to wind you up and he succeeded. I would never do anything to hurt you Michael James, I love you too much.”

On que everyone said aw and Gerard jumped out of the bunk with only his tee shirt on. I realized I still had his boxers in my hand.

“For the love of God Gerard put some fucking clothes on.” Begged Bob.

I put my hand over my eyes to protect them from seeing Gerard and held my other hand out with Gerard’s boxers.

“No. G don’t’!” I heard Frank protest.

“Wow talk about kinky.” I said forgetting there was a busload of people surrounding me. I swear being pregnant has made me even stupider, if that’s possible.

My hand moved from my eyes to my mouth.

“Oh really now? I’ll be out of sound check-”

Jamia hit Frank on the back of the head. “Don’t dare finish that sentence or you I’ll kill you.”

Frank moved behind Mia. “As I was saying; I’ll be out of sound check at 3.30. You’ll most likely find me and G in the men’s toilets.” He winked.

“well than I’d like to announce that Lou and I are a couple.” She grabbed my hand. “And your not allowed to watch us make out Mr. Iero.”

She threw a towel at Frank’s head and leaned in and locked lips with me. She grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in closer.

When she pulled away the hole bus had their jaws dropped.

I just stared at my best friend. “Damn. You’re my baby’s new daddy.”