Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 15

*Normal POV*

Jenna-Lou sat patiently in the black cab. It was her first scan and she was nervous but not as bad as the man who was fidgeting beside her.

She cupped his hand and whispered into his ear. “Don’t worry there’ll be no needles. I promise.”

Gerard gave her a smile. “Their damn well better not or I’ll leave you there alone.” He had a slight tone of fear in his voice.

But it wasn’t from the thought of needles in was from the though of being a father to a child that wasn’t even his. Gerard smiled to himself, he didn’t regret telling the guys he was the father. It would be something new for him to experience.

“Will there be coffee at the hospital?”

She nodded. “How do you think the doctors and nurses stay awake? Wakey up pills?” he laughed and so did she. “What time is your show at? I don’t want to make you guys late yet again.”

He shrugged, he couldn’t actually remember what they were doing today, and normally he would know their tour dairies like the back of his hand. “I don’t know. I’ll call someone later. Hey look we’re here!”

They got out of the cab and made there way through the busy hospital. In no time Gerard found a café to get his coffee from, along with the medical staff of the hospital.

“Mr. And Mrs. Way could you step into my office for a moment please?”

The second Jenna-Lou walked into his office she had to snap at him. “It’s Mrs. Margera and Mr. Way. Get it fucking right.”

“Lou leave it. Please.” Gerard said calmly.

“No my apologies. I should have got my secretary to inform me.” Interrupted the doctor. “Now Mrs. Margera if you would like to get changed in there for the scan you may do so.” He handed her a hospital gown and pointed to the small bathroom.

Just as Jenna-Lou got off her seat Gerard’s phone went off. “Shit sorry. I’ve to take this. Back in a sec hon.”

“Listen doc, we both know when the baby was conceived and when I’m due so there is no need to tell us. All we want to know is the baby healthy okay?”

He nodded. “That’s perfectly fine. Saves me using my voice so.” He winked and Lou giggled.

Jenna-Lou got changed fairly quickly. Soon she was laying on the cold table and even colder jelly being put on her stomach.

Gerard grinned. “You cold?”

She frowned. “Hey doc would you like to show me some needles after the scan? I just never saw one before.”

“Yes of coarse.” The color from Gerard’s face and the doctor laughed at the couples little argument. “You can get changed now and the nurse will show you into my office when you’re ready.”

“Thanks doc.” She replied jumping off the table to get into her nice warm clothes.

Minutes later Gerard and Jenna-Lou followed the nurse to the doctor’s office.

“That scan was pretty quick.” Gerard said in relief. Then he smiled. “Ya’know I felt like a married couple when he said Mr. And Mrs. Way.” He took her hand in his and winked.

“Oh you only wish honey.”

“Oh. Damn right I do.” He joked as the doctor walked in.

“Well kids,” the doctor began and Gerard dropped Jenna-Lou’s hand. “Everything seems to be perfect with the baby. Its heartbeat and development are great.” He paused and looked at them both. “But you should have come for a scan sooner. I have to advise you to take vitamin pills for the rest of the duration of your pregnancy.”

Jenna-Lou nodded; she knew damn well she should have got the scan sooner. “Um, I will be on the road touring a lot so will I need to bring records with me?”

“I’ll give you a copy just in case.” He opened the file that he had brought in with him and took out two sheets. “Here some pictures of the scan.”

Gerard took one sheet of five and Jenna-Lou took the other. “Thanks doctor.” They said in harmony.

He smiled at the young couple. “Would you like to know the sex of the baby?” they nodded eagerly. “It’s a …”