Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 16

*Jenna-Lou’s POV*

I sat nervously in the cab watching Gerard look at the pictures from the baby scan, he looked confused.



“Were is the baby? I can’t find it.” He sniffed as he eyes began to water.

I giggled. “Silly. See the peanut shaped thing?” he nodded. “That’s the baby.”

He looked relieved. “Oh but how- I don’t know. Are we gonna tell and show the guys the photo’s now or after the show?” he asked getting out of the cab and paying the driver.

“Hell yeah. I want to show the world my baby.” He gave a little cough. “Sorry our baby.” I grinned skipping to the bus in delight.

I opened the door to see all the guys playing Donkey Konga. Bob seemed to be losing and he’s the drummer!

Frank was the first to notice us walking on board. “Hey! Look I’m winning!”

“Hi guys. How did the appointment go?” Toro asked.

I beamed. “Great! We have pictures.”

They all paused the game and waited for me to pass the pictures to them.

“Um Lou were the hell is the baby?” cried Mikey. The rest of the guys nodded and said ‘were’ and ‘yeah’.

I sighed. “See that peanut shaped thing?” everyone but Frank nodded. “Gerard show Frank were it is, he seems to be a bit.”

Gerard walked over and stare at it for a few minutes then he started to look worried.

“Dude are you okay?” Bob asked him.

“No.” he replied as tears entered his eyes.

“Aw G what’s wrong?” I asked as he wiped the tears out of his eyes.

“I can’t find the baby.”

Frank burst out laughing but Bob shut him up with a whack across the head. I pointed the baby out to Gerard and then he decided to point it out to Frank.

He cooed and forgot about the lump Bob just gave him.

“Can I keep this pic?” Mikey asked. “I want to see my first nephew or niece every morning.”

“Hey! What about me? I want a picture too!” pouted the twenty three year old. I giggled at his childish face.

“Yeah you guys can keep one each. Would you like to know whether it’s a boy or girl?” Gerard asked.

I sat down on his knee hoping I wasn’t to heavy for him. “It’s a boy.” I beamed.

Mikey ran over to hug us, but pushed us to the ground in the process.

The two Way brothers lay on their side either side of me. The guys were laughing at us when the door opened.

Bert and Quinn were standing in the door staring at us. “What are we celebrating or are we just watching them have a threesome?” Bert asked and everyone laughed.

“Just ask like everything is normal. Don’t tell them about the baby.” I whispered quickly into Gerard’s ear.

He nodded and helped me off the ground.

“Hey baby.” Said Bert planting a kiss on Gerard’s lips.

I gave the guys a look that told them not to say anything about the baby and followed Mikey into the kitchen.

“We were just giving G his late birthday hug.” Mikey shouted back.

“Were are Ali and Mia?” I asked taking a slug out of the carton of juice.

“Ah crap didn’t they tell you they’re gone home for a few days?” he asked routing in around in the fridge.

“Oh yeah. It mush have slipped my mind.”

“We got Ger a cake for his birthday. I don’t think he got one last night. It’s better late then never huh?”

I nodded. “Wanna bring it out now?” he said yeah and I lit up all twenty-eight candles before walking out to the guys.

“Happy birthday.” We all chanted as he blew out the candles.

“Aw thanks. You guys and girl are the best friends a dude could asked for.”

As he said that I noticed the scan pictures right at Bert’s hand. I went to grab them but he bet me to it.

“Wow dude whose girl is pregnant?” he asked.

I was surprised he knew they were baby pictures. “Its my baby. Thank you very much.” I replied grabbing the pictures off him.

“No way.”

I frowned. “Eh, yeah way.”

“Mikey Way!” The bus got into a fit of laughter; only Mikey could break the tension on the bus.

“Bert how the hell did you know they were baby scan photos?” Toro asked the second the laughter died down.

Bert’s eyes filled with tears. “I, um, my girlfriend ahem- ”

“Who want cake? ‘Cause I sure as hell do!” Gerard interrupted him. “It damn well better be coffee.”

Everyone yelled I do. I saw Bert throw Gerard thanks for saving my ass look.

Within five minutes Gerard and Bert had disappeared.

“I hear giggling I think we should leave.” Frank whispered to me and Bob.

“EVACUATE THE BUS!!” yelled Quinn as the bus began to shake.