Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 17

*Bob’s POV*

I lay in my bunk, board, and just think about life.

I was half thinking about going for a walk half thinking of going back to sleep.

I wanted to walk to lose some weight, being around skinny fucks all the time made me realize I was over weight. But with the help of hardly any sleep and Frank eating everyone’s food I was losing weight.

I grabbed whatever clothes were mine off the floor and pulled them on. Seconds later I was running out of the bus.

I couldn’t remember what city or town we were in this time. I really didn’t care either, I ran by loads of shops they were all closed. Man it must be early. According to the clock in one shop it was 4.30.

I pasted several shops twice or three times before I realized I had jogged around the town more than three times.

So I made my way back to the bus, hoping no one was up.

Flicking on the TV I glanced at the time on it; 6.57. Wow I didn’t think I was gone for so long.

I flicked on random channels until I stumbled on something familiar. It was Howard The Duck man I hadn’t seen this movie since I was kid, it was probably the last time I cried too.

I was totally into it. “Hey Bob.” I heard someone whisper.

I looked up. “Hey Jen. What you doing up so early?”

She looked so pale against the glow of the TV.

“I could ask you the same question.” She giggled. “Ah no the baby didn’t want me to sleep. The little fucker.”

Suddenly I remember it was Gerard’s kid so I turned cold towards her. I mean I had the right to be jealous of him. He was having a baby with a lovely woman.

“Mind id I join you?” she asked.

I grunted something, not knowing what I even said.

She sat down beside me. “So what’s on?”

“Howard The Duck. It’s the movie.”

“Oh my god, I love this movie! I saw this movie with my dad and Steven when it first came out.”

I smiled at my memories of the movie. “First time I saw this was when I was with my mom. And I cried.”

“Aw Bob! I always knew you were a big softy.” She giggled laying her head on my shoulder.

We watched the rest of the movie peacefully; I didn’t even cry this time. By the time it was over I was wrecked and all I wanted to do was go back to my bunk, but Jen had fallen asleep on my shoulder.

Fuck it I’ll just sleep here for a while. It’s not like anyone will be up soon. I lay my head gently on top of hers and fell into a nice deep sleep.

I woke up sometime later to hear someone mumbling. I was to tired to wake up properly so I just listened into their conversation instead.

“Yeah pity you knocked up Lou. Other wise they probably would be.”

“Shut the fuck up Frank.”

It became clear that Gerard and Frank were standing over us just making random comments.

I slowly pretended to wake up and looked at both guys standing drinking coffee.

“What are you guys looking at?”

Gerard grinned. He was about to say something I know I would hurt him for. I knew this as I had seen this grin many times before.

“You and Lou. Look at you guys, you’d make such a cute couple.”

“Run for your life Way.”

“Aw but Bob you have your hands all over each other.” Frank chirped in.

I noticed Jen’s arms wrapped around my waist and her leg on top of mine. My arm was resting on her shoulder and my hand on her leg.

Quickly I removed my hands off her. And Frank started his pot laugh.

“Come on guys there’s nothing going on. We jus fell asleep watching Howard The Duck.”

“Yeah ‘cause that would explain why you smell like sweat.”

I was so tempted to get up and give Gerard a whack across the head
“That’s rich coming from you!” Frank exclaimed. “You stink the most.”

“Shut up Frank.” Gerard hit him this time.

“I’ll get you at sound check.” I growled.

I felt Jen move around on my shoulder. “Oh god. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to fall asleep. What time is it?” she asked pulling her arms from around me.

“Its half ten.” Ray shouted from the back.

“Oh shit.” She got up and rushed into the back.

Seconds later she returned in different clothes. None of which were hers.

“Don’t make breakfast, we’ll stop soon.” She yelled starting the engine. “Oh who ever owns the spider man boxers they’re damn comfortable.”

“Em, you can keep them.” Gerard replied as I boxed his arm.