Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 18

*Jenna-Lou’s POV*

“Isn’t it great?!” Frank squeaked.

“What is?”

“You don’t have to drive for two whole fucking days!” he answered.

“Yeah but first I have to drive you guys to the next show.” I said starting the engine and trying to remember was everyone on board. I couldn’t remember so I went back to count them. Again.

They were all asleep in their bunks, except Frank. Nothing unusual there.

I pulled up my jumper and gazed at my baby through the mirror. It was going to be hard to hide from Brian. I think everyone I know, except Brian and my mom, knew about me being pregnant.

Poor Worm. I got in a bad mood last night and cried to him for hours. He was so nice about the whole thing. His wife is so damn lucky to have him.

Walking back into the driver’s area I pulled across the curtain and shoved a random CD in the player.

It took me a while to guess who it was. Eventually I figured out it was Lostprophets, good music truly comes from Wales. I started humming along and my hippie side was coming out.

Then I started thinking about friends and family. I barely talked to them, bar Mia and Steven. Poor bastards only got an email or phone call once a month.

I smiled as I thought of Steven’s and Addison’s wedding, they were finally getting married. Halloween night to be exact. Frank wasn’t to impressed to hear that it was on his birthday and he wasn’t invited.

And then for some odd reason Bob popped into my head. I’ve no idea why but I thought of how good he looked lately. He had certainly lost a lot weight since I started. When I was watching the ‘Helena’ video the guys made and then watched the second version of ‘I’m Not Okay’ he looked totally different.

Mikey and me had somehow persuaded him to get his ears pierced. Then he liked the look of it so much he left them in. Then Gerard got at his hair. I swear My Chem could be a good styling people.

Bob. Damn why did he keep coming into my mind. Now I was getting and image of him topless and sweaty. Goddammit control yourself woman!

*Frank’s POV*

God bus journeys are so fucking boring when no body is up, well except Lou. But she’s driving and I’m hyper so I’d end up pissing her off.

Maybe I’ll wake Gerard and have fun with him. I hate the people think we are gay together. Alicia told us it was called ‘Ferard’ how creepy. So what if we have kisses on stage, they just happen to be very friendly ones.

I’ll call Jamia; hope she’s up already.

“Hello?” I heard a sleepy voice answer.

“Hey Mia. I didn’t wake you did I?” I asked her looking at my watch. 7.36am fuck I did wake her.

“Yeah but its okay. How are you babe?”

“I’m good. Do you want me to go and you can call me when you’re wide awake?”

“Okay thank you. I love you Frankie.”

I smiled, “I love you to Mia. Sleep tight.” With that she hung up.

Fuck it I’ma go wake everyone up. I took out Bob’s Black Sabbath CD put it in the CD player and turned it up full. Bob was the first to appear, he had an expression that told me I was going to be hurt.

“Mornin’ Bob. Have a nice sleep?” I grinned.

“You’re a dead man walking Iero.” He took a few steps forward while I stood in the same place wondering if I should run or not.

“But I’m not walking.” Damn did I know how to be a cheeky fucker when I wanted.

He launched at me so I legged it into Lou. “Lou help Bob’s gonna kill me!”

“That’s good. Now go away your distracting me.” She replied just as Bob walked in.

He started hitting and kicking me. I kicked him in the nuts all he did was groan and hold his nuts with one hand. But that didn’t stop him hitting me back.

“Guys seriously stop, I’m driving here!”

I didn’t stop but Bob did. He so has a thing for her.

“Bob can you get that overly hyper active child out of here please?” he did so, by the ankle might I add. I had given up fighting back I was getting hurt more.

“Bob do you have a thing Lou?” I whispered when he let go.

He looked at me and I could have sworn he blushed. “Don’t be stupid.” Was all he said before switching on the TV.

Ha he was such a bad liar. And I was gonna prove it.