Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 19

*Gerard’s POV*

I sat down at the table e-mailing Joe. I hadn’t seen the dude in years.

He was asking me about putting merch up for The Breakfast Monkey on the internet. I agreed and was sending hi some sketched I’d done form a couple of days ago.

“Hey any of you guys have porn?” I heard Lou asked.

Mikey looked shocked. “Why do you want porn?” he asked.

“Same reason you had phone sex at 3 am last night with Alicia.” She simply replied.

I burst out laughing at Mikey’s face it was fucking priceless. His jaw was dropped and he was red in the face.

“S-so.” He stuttered.

“Frank can I have your Playboy magazines?” she now yelled at Frank who was in his bunk. Most likely reading the mag she wanted.

“My what?”

“Your PLAYBOY PORN MAGAZINE!” she yelled.

Frank took his time answering her. “No. I don’t have any.”

She huffed and turned to me smiling sweetly. “Gerard can I use your computer for a while?”

“And why would you need it?”

“To have something to lady-wank to.”

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Ray and Mikey sway backwards and forwards, while Bob’s body shook.

“I’m ever so sorry my dear but I’m working.” She pouted. “Here go knock yourself out.” I handed her a $20 note.

“Are you trying to bribe me Way?” she asked eying me up.

“Coarse not. I’m just supporting a good cause.”

“Damn right it’s a good cause.” She smirked “Anyone coming to the shop? No one? Fine but none of you are getting my mags when I’m finished with them.” With that she left.

Ten minutes later I needed a cig and had to go to the shop to get them. “I’m gonna get smokes. Back in a few.”

I pulled on my jacket and walked off the bus. I don’t know why but I always wear it even when it’s fucking roasting.

I walked into the shop where Lou was and she was shouting at the young teen behind the counter, who looked terrified of her.

“Why the hell can’t you sell them to me?”

“I’m sorry ma’am you need -”he said quietly.

“No I need these okay? Do you understand that?” she raised her voice higher.

The dude still wouldn’t le her get them. I had to bit my lip to stop myself from laughing at her out loud.

“Fine. Fuck you. Sexist motherfuck.” She stomped off without the magazines in her hand.

I got my cigs and bought Lou’s magazines for her. I ran out of the shop. “Hey Lou.”

She turned around and waited. “What?” I handed her the magazines. “Thanks. Ignorant prick wouldn’t sell them to me. Like come on everyone has their urge, its natural.”

I let out a little snort as she brought a cigarette to her mouth. “Give me that.” I grabbed it off her.

“Hey that’s mine. Smoke your own.”

“Honey your pregnant it can damage the baby. So think again before you bring a cigarette to your mouth.”

“You sound like Mia.” She mumbled.

I smoked the rest of the cigarette before getting back onto the bus.

Lou was knocking on the bathroom door. “Toro get out! I’ll leave you at bus stops and I wont collect you next time.”

Ray opened the door slowly, which was a bad thing on his part ‘cause Lou pulled him out by the arm and slammed the door in his face.