Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 2

So I was on the tour a total of, wow nine hours. And I fucking loved it!

I got to know the guys a little bit better and got some info on Brian.
He was married and his wife just had a baby girl. Bummer.

Frank started talking to me and didn't shut up the whole time. He really reminded me of that guy that stalked Mia in high school.

I really wanted a cig. Frank was draining my nicotine level. I wasn't a regular smoker but hey Mia wasn't here. Lou 1 - Mia 0.


"Call me Lou."

"Okay Lou." Frank emphasized my name. "Can we stop at the next stop for coffee and smokes?"

Maybe I wouldn't murder Frank after all.

"Sure thing Franklin." I glanced at the sat navigation. "Next stop is twenty minutes away. I'll call you."

He yelped and ran towards the back of the bus. Bob walked in just as Frank started singing a song about coffee. I loved these guys they were all so cute and cuddly looking.

"Is he always like that?"

"Yeah but you eventually get used to it." He replied saying nothing more.

For the rest of the twenty-minute drive neither of us spoke until I pulled up.

"Come on you bunch of lazy asses! There's a coffee shop here." With that all the guys minus Bob got off the bus. "Booooooooooobbbbbbb! What you waiting for?" I asked as he searched threw his bunk.

"Can't find my wallet."

"I'll pay. C'mon impatient bus driver says get out!" I ordered him.

Bob walked off the bus with me in pursuit.

"You're paying for me on the first day. I think we'll keep you."

I smiled just as another bus pulled in. I guess it must be another band or something 'cause the guys strode over to it.

"What do you want here?"

Bob looked from me to the guys. "Any drink and cigs please."

I walked in and bought us two Redbull's, two red Marlboro and myself a nice shiny gun shaped lighter.

When I got back out Brian, Worm (who is a pretty funny guy) My Chem and four guys standing around with either coffee or cigs or both in their hands.

Frank was sitting on Bob's shoulders poking random people that went near him. I held Bob's stuff.

"Thank you mi'driver."

Frank was pushed off him. Much to one of the other guy's amusement.

"Jepha Howard get your ass back here!" Frank yelled to the guy running from him.

I laughed at the hot guy barely escaping Frank wrath.

Next thing you know I'm in the middle of it. ; This Jepha guy holding me firmly by my shoulders while Frank stood in front of me.

Bob started laughing his ass off.

"Don't let him get me pretty lady." Jepha cried. "He has fangs."

I sighed while smiling. "Frank you shouldn't get Jepha. If it weren't for Bob, Jepha wouldn't have laughed so it's Bob's fault. Get him." I grinned evilly.

Frank tackled the drummer to the ground and began trying to kiss him. Man was this guy weird!

"For that pretty lady you can join us in poker every Tuesday night!" Jepha exclaimed as I watch Bob start to beat Frank up.