Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 20

*Normal POV*

Jenna-Lou lay in her bunk, tossing and turning every couple of minutes.

It was a warm night/morning on the tour bus. And it didn’t help that the air conditioning wasn’t working properly.

She glanced over at Gerard. She reached over as far as possible and grabbed his arm, which was handing out of his bunk, and let it go. Then she asked him was he awake.

He muttered something so Jenna-Lou got out of her bunk and into his.

“You okay?” he asked making room for her.

“Yeah I can’t sleep. Can we talk?”

“Sure. What’s on your mind?” he yawned.

“Well I’m pregnant and I want to name the baby. I have a couple of names that I like but I wanted to tell you. He’s gonna have your surname to, whether you like it or not.”

“Cool by me. Tell me some names.”

She sighed. “Okay. I was thinking Nathan for a first name. ‘Cause I heard it on TV once and I thought the name was pretty cool.” Liar, she thought to herself.

“I like that. Are we having a second name for this little mite?” Gerard asked placing a hand on Jenna-Lou’s slightly swollen stomach.

“Yeah. But I couldn’t think of anything. What about Thomas?”

“Nathan Thomas Way? Hmm. Maybe, what about Matthew?” now that Gerard thought of it he didn’t think the name was great.

“I don no. Hey what about Jamie? ‘Cause then we could call him NJ for short?” they both liked the name. It was different and Gerard thought it would be cool that his kid would have the same enisels as his home state. Then he started grinning to himself, which Jenna-Lou noticed.

“What are you grinning at?”

“I’ve a better name than Jamie.”

“Well don’t keep it to yourself woman!” she giggled softly.

“I was thinking of James.” He smiled. “Little Nathan James Way.”

They both loved the sound of that, but for totally different reasons and people.

Jenna-Lou placed her hand close to Gerard’s and whispered the name they had just called their child and little NJ kicked.

“Holy fuck. Did you feel that? He kicked when you said his name.” Gerard squeaked with excitement.

“Wow, I did. Say a different name then say the name we picked out.” They both placed both their hands on Jenna-Lou’s stomach waiting for a response.

“Nathan Jamie Way.” Nothing happened. “Nathan James Way.” This time the baby kicked and both parents smiled proudly at each other just as the alarm went off.

“I wanna tell the guys later. I think Worm knows I’m calling him Nathan ‘cause I was crying to him the other night. But don’t say anything to Brian.”

“Ok whatever you want hon.”

She kissed his cheek. “Thanks.” Jenna-Lou crept out of his bunk and proceeded to get changed.

As she pulled up her jeans neither the button nor the zip would close. ‘I really need to go shopping soon’ she thought picking up someone else’s jeans. Her bump was small but yet nig enough to not allow her to wear her own clothes. She slipped on the other jeans and they fitted perfect.

She woke the guys up before heading into the kitchen area waiting for them. The walked in a couple of minutes later fully dressed.

“Okay we’ve got forty minutes to spare. Would you like me to make ye breakfast?”

“Nah its okay. We’ll make it.”

“Toro you couldn’t cook for shit.” Frank commented with a smirk.

“C’mon its my second last day! I’ll make you guys a fry up and don’t worry they’re all vegetarian foods.” She opened the fridge and pulled out vegie rashers, sausages and some eggs and got to work straight away.

They all sat down and watched her make their breakfast.

“Hey Jen?” Bob called out.


“Are you wearing my jeans?” he asked checking her out whikst trying to figure out whether they were his or not.

“No they’re not!” she lied.

“They so are. My wallet is in them..” he paused because his wallet was in the back pocket. “Them jeans.”

Jenna-Lou spun around and smirked. “Prove it.”

The guys gave a little laugh ‘cause they knew Bob probably wouldn’t do anything about it. But they were wrong. Bob got up and put a hand into each front pocket.

“Robert Nathan Bryar! I am cooking your breakfast so I’d advise you to get away from me!”

“Not ‘til I get my wallet back!” he put his hands in the back pockets and Brian walked in.

“Bob, man I love you and all but please keep it PG.”

Bob got his wallet and leaned into Jenna-Lou’s ear. “Told you they were my jeans.” He whispered sending shivers down her spine.

She smiled and turned to Brian as Bob walked by. “Bri you want some breakfast?”

“Yeah if there’s enough.” She put down the plates full of food in front of her boss’s and they began to eat.

“Would you like to know an interesting fact about Frank’s life?” Mikey asked directly towards Jenna-Lou but he didn’t wait for her to answer. “On our first proper tour with The Used Frank got very drunk-”

“And what do ya’know Bob is Frank’s his first kiss. Tongues and all, horrible sight when your sober.” Brian laughed.

Frank started getting redder and redder by the second. “It was really dark.” He muttered.

Jenna-Lou burst out laughing, she had never heard anything as funny as that in her entire life. Soon everyone else on the bus was laughing at her laugh, it was strange and very contagious.

“Now that’s what you call a laugh.” Brian said wiping the tears from his eyes.

Jenna-Lou laughed even harder. “Oh no. My snorting is coming.” Ray screamed with laughter he near heard a girl say that before in his life.

“Oh my.” Mikey cried with laughter. “That’s, that’s so.” He couldn’t even finish his sentence. Frank feel to the table laughing while the others rocked back and forth clutching their sides. Jenna-Lou had to hold onto Bob for support to sit up.

“Jesus Christ what are ye on in here? Laughing gas?” Worm asked the second he opened the door. For a spilt second they stopped but Frank started it off again with his little pot laugh.