Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 21

After their hour long laughing session Gerard and Jenna-Lou were going to tell the guys the baby’s name. But Brian was still on the bus.

By now Jenna-Lou was growing impatient she was so tempted to throw Brian off the bus.

“Alright guys, Lou I’m heading now, see you all tomorrow.”

Jenna-Lou nearly screamed with delight when he left the bus.

Mikey, Ray, Bob and Frank were all sitting at the table. When Jenna-Lou walked over to them they were all about to get up.

“Sit.” She told them sternly. “GERARD COME ON!”

Gerard walked to the table and sat on Ray.

“Okay I’ve-” Gerard gave a little cough. “WE’VE come up with the baby’s name. He is going to be called Nathan James Way or NJ Way for short.” She grinned happily.

“And all you guys and Jamia are guardians.” Gerard said.

“Aw dude, you picked me and Bob’s middle names!” Mikey cheered as Ray hugged the older man on his lap.

“Oh yeah, we never thought about that did we G?”


Frank got up and hugged the taller woman. “I promise I will not drop Nathan.” He whispered with a smile.

NJ gave a little kick, which frightened the living shit out of Frank.

“What the fuck was that?” his voice squeaked with terror.

Jenna-Lou giggled. “Honey that was just the baby. He was only kicking.”

“Oh.” Frank sighed in relief. “Can I feel it again?”

“Go for it.”

He placed his hand to were the baby had previously kicked and turned to Mikey. “Mikey dude check this out.” He said putting Mikey’s hand next to his.

Next thing you know everyone’s hand, bar Jenna-Lou’s and Gerard’s, were on her stomach waiting to feel the baby kick again.

“Sorry guys I forgot..” Brian stopped in the middle of the sentence because he saw his band with a hand on the bus driver’s stomach. “What the hell are you guys doing?”

The group froze. Jenna-Lou sighed as she brushed their hands off her. “Brian the real reason I have to leave tomorrow is because I’m pregnant not because I got bored of the job.”

“How far are you gone?”

“Um four months.” She mumbled.

“Jesus Lou why didn’t you tell me?” Brian asked walking towards her.

“I was afraid you would fire me for sleeping with one of the guys.”

Brian’s face only expressed shock, but in a way he was happy for her. “Who?”

“Me.” Gerard butted in. “Look it wont affect the band or tours or anything. I just need a couple of weeks of in November.”

Brian moved closer to her and pulled into a hug. “Congrats Lou. Bob or girl?”

She smiled and mentally thanked god for Brian not giving out to her. “Boy. Nathan James Way. Sorry I didn’t tell you earlier but I was gonna tell you tomorrow I swear.”

“Don’t worry about it, I’m happy for you. But I can’t let you drive anymore.”

Jenna-Lou pouted. “Its only two more drives! Plus the bus driver wont be here ‘til tomorrow and the guys wont be able to drive ‘cause they’ll be tired after the show.”

“No I can’t.” she threw him the look. Brian had seen this look on his wife’s face when she was pregnant and boy did he get in shit when he argued with her. So Brian was smart and gave Jenna-Lou the answer she wanted. “Fine but just please be very careful on the roads okay?”

She nodded and peaked his cheek. “See you tomorrow!”