Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 23

*Mikey’s POV*

I sat down beside Lou. She was unconscious for the past six days.

Mom had managed to tear Jamia and Steven away from her bedside. I think she was still working on getting Gerard away from NJ.

Her eyes flickered open. “Lou?”

She turned her head slowly towards me. “Mikey,” she croaked as her eyes filled with tears. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-”

“Hey, hey. It’s okay. Your alive everything is going to fine.” I said slipping my fingers through hers.

“Frank and Ray?”

“They’re fine, all they got was a couple of bruises. You saved yourself and us from that motherfucker. Thank you so much Lou.”

She half smiled and placed her hand on her stomach. She felt nothing and panicked. “Nathan? He’s okay isn’t he?”

I swore I felt my heart. “Lou Nathan’s on life support. They don’t think he’ll make it.”

I held back my tears but the look in her eyes made a few of them escape.

“No. No. NO. He’s gonna live and grow up to be famous like his daddy. And die a every old man.” I watched her hold her baby-less stomach.

“I’m sorry, we should have listened to Brian.” I blurted out.

She began hyperventilating and shaking.

“Lou please calm down. Take deep breaths.”

She tried I could see she was but she couldn’t manage it.

“NURSE. DOCTOTR. SOMEONE.” I yelled pressing the button.

Her breathing and shaking was becoming more violent. I didn’t know what to do. I just held her hand tight.

The next thing you know Lou is on the floor the other side dragging all the drips and machines she was connected to with her.

I ran over to her but doctors and nurses pushed me back.

They held her down and I noticed one doctor inject a needle into the entrance on one of her drips.

Within seconds she stopped hyperventilating and shaking.

Tears rolled down her cheeks and she screamed at the top of her lungs.

I didn’t know whether it was from the pain of falling on broken or the pain of her child being hurt. She feel into a deep sleep the second she was laid on the hospital gurney.

I stood there terrified; I’d no idea what I had to do. I just sat back in my place and watched over her.

“I want to see him.” She said waking me up it was some ungodly hour.


“I want to see my baby.”

I was hesitant, I was afraid she would freak out again. “Lou I don’t think-”

“Mikes I want to see Nathan.” Her eyes wielded up.

“Okay.” I sighed and helped her out of the bed and into the wheel chair. “He’s hooked up to a lot of machines so be warned.”

As we turned the corner of the children’s ward, I noticed Gerard and mom sitting there looking into a small plastic box.

A nurse exited the room and Lou stopped her. “Can I hold him?”

The nurse no older than mom.

“Your Mrs. Margera aren’t you?” she nodded. “You can hold him for as long as you like sweet heart.”

I rolled Lou into the room and looked at Gerard. His eyes were bloodshot; clothes were the same he’s been wearing since the accident, to say he looked like shit was an understatement.

The room was consumed by the machines and monitors hooked to the little guy.

The nurse placed NJ in Lou’s arms and she broke down crying. She began rocking back and forth. “Can I be alone with him for a while?” we all nodded.

Six hours later we were all gathered outside NJ’s room. Gerard, Steven and the doctor waited until Lou had him cradled safely into arms. She kissed his head and I could see she mouth ‘I love you baby’.

I looked at Ali she was crying. “What’s wrong?”

“I got my period and I’m all emotional.” She sniffed. I pulled her into me. We hadn’t seen much of each other over the past week that was probably taking its toll of her to.

I guess I joined her crying when we heard the last beep of NJ’s monitor go off.