Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 25

“Happy Birthday Toro.” Jenna-Lou said, holding a freshly baked cake.

“Aw Lou. Thanks.” He smiled. He took a huge bite out of the cake and tried to say ‘this is good’ but only crumbs exited his mouth.

“Its coffee cake. Don’t eat it all, Gerard said he wanted some.” She beamed.

It had been just over a month since NJ’s machine was turned off. She was staying with the guys but she was there tour manager now. The guys had been to afraid to leave her alone as she was taking happy pills, so they all begged Brian to give her some sort of job so she could stay with them.

“It’s my birthday not his. He’ll just have to wait his turn.” He told her.

“Jerry how long ‘til the next venue?” Mikey shouted at their new bus driver.

“About an hour. Depends on the traffic.” He yelled back. Mikey groaned that was not the answer he wanted.

“Happy Birthday Ray. I’ll give you your present if I can have a slice of the cake.”

Ray gave him a slice and got a badly wrapped 3rd issue of Spider Man signed by the artists. He then went to go annoy Gerard.

Ray’s phone went off and he wasn’t about to leave Gerard just to get it. “Can someone get that for me?” he was now waving the coffee cake and the comic in Gerard’s face.

Jenna-Lou answered it. “Hello Raymond Toro’s phone. How can I help you?”

“Hello dear, it’s Isabella.”

“Oh hey Mrs. Oritiz. I’ll get the birthday boy for you now.”

“Thank you. And how many times do I have to tell you its Isabella?”

She smiled down the phone. “Yes Isabella. Here he is now. Bye.” Ray took the phone and started talking to his mother while eating the last bit of his cake.

Bob stumbled out of his bunk falling over most items on the floor. “When the fuck was the bus last cleaned?” he asked to see if anyone knew.

“I believe it was the day we got the bus.” Frank yelled playing a game. “Which was like a year ago.”

Jenna-Lou rolled her eyes and began gathering everything up but she was stopped by Gerard.

“What are you doing? Your our tour manager not our cleaner.” He said taking everything out of her hold and putting it back on the floor.

“Because this tour manager doesn’t want to break her fucking neck walking around the bus. Now got back to song writing with Ray or someone.” She said pushing him to the back of the bus.

Five hours later Jenna-Lou was quite pleased with herself. She sneaked the boy’s dirty clothes out for a wash, cleaned: the kitchen, bathroom and their bunks without a thing going wrong. Now all she had to do was to tackle the seating area.

The guys walked into the bus after an excellent show to find most of the bus spotless. “Who are you and what have you done with our bus?” Mikey asked, shocked at how clean the bus could be.

“Dirty the bus and your all gonna die in your sleep.” She threatened them.

Frank saluted, “Aye, aye ma’am.”

She giggled and went back to cleaning the seats. Bob came over and smiled. “Thought you could use a hand.”

“Thanks that would be great.” Jenna-Lou came across a couple of NJ’s scan pictures and tears strolled down her face as she stopped to look at them.


“Yeah.” She said wiping away her tears.

“Its okay to cry.” Bob whispered to her.

“I’m not crying.” She lied wiping away even more tears. She was fixing the cushions when he spun her around. She looked at him through her teary eyes and slightly smiled. “I thought happy pills were meant to make me happy no matter what.”

“Sweetie believe me they’re not always the best thing to make you happy.” He replied looking at the scan pictures in her hand. “I miss the little guy.”

“You don’t know the half of it.” She sighed.

“Jen tell me I’m always here for you.” Bob sat down pulling her down beside him. They starred into each other’s eyes.

“I killed him. It’s all my fault I shouldn’t have been driving. I should have listened to Brian. I’m a-”

“Listen to me.” He said sternly. “You didn’t kill Nathan. That bastard in jail nearly killed you, Nathan and the guys. You did the right thing.” He paused for a second and Jenna-Lou just starred into space taking it all in. “The next while is gonna be hard for everyone, especially you and Gerard but you have to accept that it was NOT your fault and it never will be.”

She got out of her daze and fell into Bob’s hold crying. He was a man of his word and he stayed there for an hour straight listening to her and comforting her.

Frank walked in and raised an eyebrow but continued walking when Bob gave him a signal to move along.

“Come on lets go for a walk. Jerry wont be leaving until after the party.”