Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 26

Bob and Jenna-Lou sat on the grass in the towns local park watching the people walk by. Jenna-Lou wanted to tell him everything about NJ but she didn’t have the courage to tell anyone.

Bob got up and walked over to a balloon stand buying a blue balloon. She looked at him not knowing what the hell he was doing.

He placed the balloon in her hold. “I want you to pretend this is Nathan. Talk to him, tell him everything you want to and when your ready let it go.”


“I’ll be over at the bench if you want me.” He replied turning to walk over to the vacant bench.

She attempted to talk to it but she couldn’t and she turned to Bob who was still walking away. “This is stupid.” She called out and he stopped and replied to her without looking back.

“If it’s so stupid why don’t you let the balloon go?” Jenna-Lou frowned and watched him walk away. She didn’t let the balloon go or reply back to him.

A full forty-five minutes later Jenna-Lou was ready to leave. The tour party for Ray was already in full swing. She poked Bob awake; he had fallen asleep waiting on her.

“I’m awake.” He mumbled opening his eyes quickly. “You okay?”

She nodded helping him up. “It really helped thanks.” She replied shivering. It was one of those unusual cold July nights.

“No problem. Here your freezing, take my hoody.” She took it and linked arms with him as they walked back to the bus.

*Jenna-Lou’s POV*

We walked onto the bus and saw Gerard on the sofa watching TV. “Hey G, you not going to the party?”

He shook his head and stuffed his mouth with popcorn. “Nah I don’t wanna watch people get hammered.”

Bob nodded and looked to me. “I’m going wanna come?”

I shook my head. “I’m not allowed drink with my medication. I think I’ll keep this old man company.” I giggled at Gerard’s facial expression, it was priceless. Bob smiled and walked back out the door.

I sat myself down beside old man Way and began eating his popcorn. I was watching the TV for ten minutes before I realized I didn’t know what was on. “What are we watching?” I whispered.

He smiled and kept his eyes on the TV. “We’re watching Thir13en Ghosts. The original one.” He whispered back.

“Oh.” I said still whispering for some unknown reason. “Popcorn old man?”

“Sure it is mine.” He grabbed a hand full out and began stuffing his face yet again. “So where were you and Bob? You guys were gone for hours.”

I sighed. “He made me realize a couple of things.”

“Like what?” the guy was being nosy and could still concentrate on a movie, man I’d love to be like that.

“That NJ dieing wasn’t my fault and I couldn’t have stopped the accident.” I confessed to him.

“It was never your fault you know?”

I lifted my head off his shoulder slightly to look at him. “You don’t blame me for him dieing?”

“No I never did. I blame that motherfucker in jail.” He turned to look at me. I gazed into his eyes. I never noticed how nice they were before; maybe the anti-depressants make me notice things.

Our faces were close just a bit to close. He leaned in and kissed me. The strange thing was I kissed back. He pulled away. “I’m sorry.”

I smiled and moved closer. “I’m not.” I felt his lips crash against mine. This time he snaked his tongue into my mouth.

I swung my leg over him sitting on his lap without breaking the kiss. My hands slid up his shirt feeling his warm body. Unbuttoning his shirt was taking to long so I ripped it open causing the buttons to go flying.

Gerard broke the kiss to yank my tee shirt and Bob’s hoody. I moaned loud as I felt his warm skin against mine. He put his hands on my hips and starting biting my neck. I never wanted to disrobe anyone as much Gerard at that moment.

My fingers ran through his jet-black hair as I moved up and down on his lap. I smiled as I felt his erection beneath me.

We fell to the ground with me on top of him. I groaned as he switched our body’s positions. I whimpered as he began grinding his hips into mine. I heard what sounded like a door open and close but neither of us looked up.

His hands moved from my hips to the top of my jeans. And I went for his.

*Bob’s POV*

“Hey Shadows you didn’t see Mikey anywhere did you?” I yelled to the Avenged Sevenfold front man.

“Yeah. He’s over there with Zacky and Rev.” he pointed out.

Man was the music loud, but hey it was a good band playing. Jimmy spotted me walking in there direction. “Mr. Bryar my fellow drummer, take a seat and a shot while you’re at it.” I grinned this guy was a fucking nut case and a really good drummer to.

“No thanks I just came here for Mikey.” I said grabbing the younger Way’s arm and dragging him away.

“Dude what’s up?”

“I think you might be an uncle again.”


“Jen and Gerard were making out on the bus when I went to get my jacket off the bus.” I spoke with venom. I mean fuck Gerard can get who ever the hell he wants but no it has to be someone I like. The motherfucker.


“I said-”

“I heard you the first time ya jackass.” He hit me and laughed. “I meant what as in seriously.”

I rolled my eyes. “Yes seriously and don’t say anything to them they probably don’t want us to know.” He smirked, man could he be evil when he wanted. “I’m fucking serious Way! Now go back and play with your little friends.”