Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 28

The next day the guys, Alicia and Worm were going sight seeing, according to Frank every city should be toured even if you’ve been there before.

“No honestly I don’t want to go. You go and have fun now.” Jenna-Lou scooted them out of the bus.

“Now are you sure you don’t mind being alone?” Ray asked.

Jenna-Lou was feeling worse than ever and didn’t want to ruin their day by bitching so she was planning on staying behind on the bus. “Yes I’m sure.” She said. “Now for fucks sake go enjoy yourself I’ll be fine.”

Eventually they were on their way and Jenna-Lou was kinda of glad. She collapsed onto the sofa and started flicking through channels. It was mostly young children’s programs, which made her cry. And other channels showing murders also talk shows about loosing children when they were small.

“Why is TV so fucking depressing?” she sighed flicking it off. The ‘happy pills’ weren’t working and she was bummed. She had tried nearly everything to get more happy; comedies, chocolate, ice cream, smokes, Red Bull and more ‘happy pills’. But nothing changed she still felt the same.

She suddenly snapped her fingers and rushed towards a half hidden press. She pulled out a full bottle of whiskey. “You’ll make me happy.” Jenna-Lou said to the bottle. She had known about Frank and Mikey’s secret stash of alcohol for months, this was the first time she decided to raid it. She took a huge mouthful the second it hit her throat she began coughing. But she continued drinking it.

There was less than a ¼ left of her 3rd bottle when Gerard walked onto the bus. “Lou what the fuck?” he said the second he saw her and the three bottles beside her.

“I’ma slut.” She slurred. He grabbed the bottle out of her hands and brought her into the bathroom.

“No your not.”

She started crying and mumbling to herself about being a slut before answering him back. “Yes I am.” Great she’s an emotion drunk, he sighed. “I fuck Jepha then his bestest friend an-and he rapes me. I told him I didn’t want to.” She cried. “Then I have his baby. Then I try to fuck you. But I want Bob. See I’ma slut.”

Gerard just looked at her. She nearly said who NJ’s dad was. He thought if Lou said it was one of Jepha’s friends it would be someone out of The Used. Quinn, Bert or Brandon.

“Whoa, whoa Lou. Who raped you?”

Her eyes darted around the room so fast her head was starting to spin. “I cant-. It’s my fault I lead him on. We were half way there than BAM!” she cried hitting herself on the head. “I member Jepha and I didn’t want a fuck from him. But he kept going.”

Gerard grabbed her firmly by the shoulders and shook her slightly. “Lou look at me. Look at me.” He kept saying until she looked at him. “Who raped you?”

She looked around the room trying to avoid Gerard’s impatient and angry gaze. “I told you. Jepha’s bestest friend, in his band.”

He closed his eyes in hope of calming himself down. He asked her once more but she gave the same answer. So he decided to try another way. “What does he look like?” he kept his eyes closed.

“I don no. He’s tall kinda. Nice hair.” She looked to the ceiling and fresh tears fell down her face. “He has nice eyes. He has eyes like Bob’s, nice blue ones. Do you know I love Bob?”

His eyes flickered open. Bert. He knew who it was and he was dead meat. He didn’t even hear Jenna-Lou’s last statement. “I’ll kill him.” He said and sprinting out of the bathroom.

The rest of the band, Worm and Alicia walked back onto the bus laughing and joking but stopped the second they saw Gerard.

“G where ya going?” Frank asked as he got pushed out of the way.

“I’m gonna kill that motherfucker.” He yelled. Worm, Ray and Bob, being the strongest, ran after him. Mikey was going to as well but Alicia wouldn’t let go of his hand.

“Oh fuck what’s he done to her?” she asked them as she let go of Mikey’s hand and dumped her bags on him.

“Maybe they don’t want to fuck anymore.” Frank said and Mikey looked at him. “Yeah I heard Bob ranting.”

“Dude that was low.” Was all he could say.

“But come on she has to know Bob loves her its fuc-”

Alicia who walked back out cut him off. “Frank she wants you. I’m gonna get a hold of Jamia.” He sighed and walked into her.

“I wanna die and be with my baby.” She whined crying into his shirt. No matter how many times he asked her what was wrong she would just say ‘I’m a slut’.