Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 29

*Jenna-Lou’s POV*

I was standing by the stage watching the guys play the last of their set. My flickered through the crowd and Bert stood out like a sore thumb. He had a mic thing and a cast on one arm, his face totally covered in bruises.

Gerard bet him bad yesterday. The guys dragged him back to the bus. I was so scared; I made him promise him never to tell anyone about Bert. Mainly because I begged him not to.

Bert turned on the mic thing and began shouting shit like ‘My Chem suck’, ‘Gerard is really a woman’ and things like that. Anyone could see that Gerard was glaring at him as mad as hell and began singing over Bert’s voice.

Thank god they had just finished their last song otherwise G would have burst singing so loud. I had to tell the boys they had a TV interview in ten minutes. I could then slip away. I need to talk to Bert. Nathan was his child to; he had the right to know.

“Hey guys great show.” Worm exclaimed as they walked off the stage.

“Yeah it was awesome.” I said. They grunted a thanks whilst grabbing bottles of water and towels. “You guys have an interview with Steven. They’re setting up the bus now, so you’ll have to do it the way you are.” They nodded in response and I started to walk in the other direction.

“Lou where you going?” Gerard asked.

“I have to, em, go to, eh-”

“You’re not going to talk to him. You can be on the bus while we do the interview.” He grabbed my wrist and pulling me towards our bus.

“I have to talk to him sometime whether you like it or not.”

He turned to me with the angriest look ever on his face. “Over. My. Dead. Body.”

Suffering from a horrible hangover and not talking my anti-depressants I snapped. “Who the fuck do you think you are? My fucking father? Oh wait he’s dead just like Nathan.” I yelled then I began jabbing my finger into his chest. “And you know what? Nathan is my baby he was never yours!” the words just off my tongue and he loosened his grip on me. “Gerard I’m so-”

“No save it. It’s the truth isn’t it?” he let go completely and began to cry.

“I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean it. It just came out, please forgive me. I’ll do anything, just-. Please.”

“Well,” he took a deep breath and I caught mine waiting for him to finish the sentence. “I’ll forgive you if you promise me you’ll never talk to Bert again.”

“Gerard..” I gasped.

“Its your choice. Take it or leave it, its your decision.”

How could he expect me to choose between him, one my best friends, and Bert, the father of my dead baby? How can he do something like this to me? “I-” he lit up a cigarette waiting for me to reply. What am I meant to do? I thought for a couple more minutes. “Fine.” I muttered in a low tone.

“What?” he asked exhaling.

“I said fine I won’t talk to him.” He smiled slightly but it quickly wiped away the second we heard a familiar voice.

“Hey G thanks for the broken wrist.” Bert yelled limping to his bus less than 3 meters away.

“You stay the fuck away from me, or next time I’ll kill you when no one is around to save your sorry ass.” I was expecting flames to appear in Gerard’s eyes because he was that pissed.

“Gerard please don’t-”

“Dude next time I’ll kick your motherfucking face in!” he yelled he had stopped limping and was now looking at us. I put my hand to Gerard’s chest to stop him from getting closer to Bert. “Thanks babe, but there’s no need.”

Me heart skipped a beat; last time he said babe was that night. I felt Gerard’s muscles get tenser in his chest. “I’ll keep my promise if you get on the bus and don’t fight.” I said as tears filled in my eyes again. All the memories I had of that night were flooding into my brain. “Just get on. Now.”

He said nothing but got on taking my head probably to make sure I wouldn’t run to Bert while he had his back turned. All the guys and the camera crew were talking and obviously waiting for Gerard.

I went into the back and talked to Jamia for a good hour. She didn’t know anything about Bert and she wasn’t about to find out either. Me knowing was one to many people. I just needed to hear her voice and talk to her about old times.

I walked out sometime later and spotted Bob sitting on the sofa looking like he was going to fall asleep. I plopped myself beside him and asked him what he was doing. “I would be watching Mikey, Gerard and Frank do an interview.”

“Awesome I’m keeping you company.” We watched the guys do an interview with Steven. I had met him before last time he did an interview with the guys. He randomly slept on the bus and scared me shitless the next morning.

The show wasn’t live so they were doing it for hours. I had my head rested on Bob’s shoulder the whole time and only noticed he fell asleep. “Bob you awake?”


I giggled and tried to get Frank’s attention ‘cause he had a camcorder the guys were making some sort of a DVD.

“Are you gay?”


Frank was laughing and the camera shook as he laughed, he decided to ask him a question. “Was I a good first male kiss?”


I burst out laughing and Frank put his finger to his lips, “Shhh.” He laughed.

I stopped for a second. “Bob,” I let out a little giggle. “Do you like it up the ass?”


Frank burst out laughing and I kept kicking him in the leg in hope he would shut up. He didn’t instead he walked off and came back with a permanent black marker. “Frank don’t.”

“Why the fuck not? It’ll be funny to see his mood when there’s a dick farm on his face.”


He frowned. “Come on. Just a little one?”

“Do you want me to tell Jamia your being an ass and she shouldn’t have sex with you?” I giggled as his face fell. “I did it before I’ll do it again.”

“That was you last time?” I nodded and took the camcorder off him and turned it off completely. “Evil bitch.”

“Haha I know. Do it in the next city.”

“Were and when?”

“Vegas baby, after the show.”

I got up and went in search of a blanket for Bob. I found a half cleanish one and wrapped it around him. He looked so damn cute when he slept. I took a quick glance around for the guys and gave Bob a quick kiss on the lips. “I love you Bob.”