Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 31

Jenna-Lou rang Brian offices. “Hey can I speck to Brian Sch-Shiter. Fuck, Schit-. Screw that, can I talk to Brian S that owns My Chemical Romance and The Used please?” she was way to hung over to even remember how to pronounce Brian’s second name.

“Mr. Schechter will talk to you in a moment.”

Jenna-Lou waited and watched Frank as he walked by her. He smiled and blew her a kiss. She grabbed anything and everything on the table and threw it at him. “STUPID FUCK!” she screamed just as Brian was connected to her.

“Nice to talk to you to.”

She smiled. “Sorry I’d to throw some things at Frank.”

He laughed lightly. He probably deserved it to, Brian thought to himself. “So what are you calling for? Did the tour planner fuck up again?”

Jenna-Lou bit her lip. She had decided to tell him a bullshit of a lie then tell him she married Frank. She glanced down on her wedding finger, one fake one from her newest husband and a platinum one from the other. “I crashed into two Lambo’s worth roughly $1 million each.”

“You did WHAT?” Brian gritted through his teeth.

She laughed nervously. Brian wasn’t the type of guy that would get pissed off or really angry often.

“I’m only joking. Did I mention me and Frank got so pissed last night that we don’t remember getting married?” she muttered quite fast.

Brian on the other end of the line was shocked Frank and Jenna-Lou got married to each other, he didn’t quite see them as a happy couple or a match made in heaven, or hell in their case. The line stayed silent for quite a while.

“Look it wasn’t planned. I asked Frank to go drinking with me but we got so drunk that we don’t remember what exactly happened. So we need an annulment.”

“Your divorcing me already?!” Frank screamed, he was just annoying her now for his own amusement.

“Lou don’t hit him.” Brian said just as Lou raised a glass to throw at him.

“You know me so well.” She smiled and mouthed ‘your dead motherfucker’ to Frank. “So the annulment can you get it for us or what?”

“Yeah, I’ll ask Stacey when I see her later. What are the grounds?”

Jenna-Lou was confused. “Eh you talking ‘bout the ground I’m standing on?”

Brian couldn’t help but laugh. They must be seriously hung over, he laughed. “No I was talking about the grounds the annulment you idiot.”

Alicia sat down beside her friend giggling like mad. “Brian you should see the video it’s fucking hilarious, they’re so damn drunk its unreal!” Her, Gerard and Mikey were watching it over and over again finding it funnier every time.

“Guess that answers my question. How did Jamia take it?”

“She cried at first and now she finds it fucking hilarious and wont tell anyone why.” She paused, slightly worried about her best friend. “Oh did I mention the credit card you gave me might have a kinda big bill. We paid for tattoo’s, gambling, alcohol and the wedding with it.”

Brian only remembered giving her a company credit card when she was the bus driver. He could have sworn he cut it off after people were snooping around in her stuff in the hospital. “But I never-”

“Oh would you look at the time! More painkillers are needed. Bye, bye boss!”

Alicia looked at her. “That was close.”

“Yeah I know.” She replied looking around the bus.

“You do know he will be touring with us for a week in two days?” Ray asked.