Me, Myself and My Chem

Chapter 34

*Normal POV*

Jenna-Lou looked at her new tattoo on her lower back in the mirror. When her got married they had gotten the same tattoo saying ‘I Love You…’

She traced the tattoo with her finger and noticed a line of dots going down towards her ass. She pulled her pants down a little bit, the line of dots ended at Frank’s name. Pulling them back up she ran to Frank.

“Show me your ass!” she demanded.

Frank just looked at her like she said she likes fucking dogs. “Baby, Lou wants to know can she look at my ass?” he said down the phone.

Jamia was just as bewildered as he was and said ‘why?’

“We both want to know why you want to look at my beautifully shaped ass.”

Jenna-Lou still in shock of the entire tattoo couldn’t exactly say ‘my name is on your ass’. “Because… show me your tattoo we got the other night.”

He got up and pulled his tee shirt up slightly so she could see the tattoo, but Jenna-Lou took her chance and yanked down Frank’s trousers to her name on his ass.

“Hey whatcha doin’ down there?”

She didn’t answer she just looked at Frank’s ass, wondering how the hell a tattoo artist gave them a tattoo while they were so drunk.

Neither or them knew about it ‘til it was point out by Bob and Jamia.

“Oh my fucking god.” Was all Jenna-Lou could manage to get out.


“Look at your ass in the mirror.”

He shrugged and walked into the bathroom looking into the mirror the second he got there. He burst out laughing the second his addition tattoo.

“What are you laughing at?” Jamia asked down the line. She knew Frank was nuts and normally just burst out laughing for no reason what so ever so she was used to asking the question daily.

“Your best friends name is on my arse!” Frank laughed so mush that all Jamia caught was ‘your’, ‘name’ and ‘arse’.

“What? Why would you get my name on your ass?” she asked, now she was concerned.

“I didn-” he was laughing so much he couldn’t finish his sentence.

“Frank it’s not funny. I don’t want your name on my ass!” his wife whined to him.

“WHAT!!” Jamia yelled so loud the couple stood in silence.

They starred at each other with wide eyes. ‘Tell her’, Jenna-Lou mouthed to him.

Frank pulled the phone away from his face. “I’m scared.” He whispered seriously which caused her to burst out laughing totally blowing their quietness cover.

She took the phone off him and held it to her ear. “Jamia, baby, you know the way you love your fiancé and his wife?”

“Well, eh, yes.” Jamia had no idea how to answer that. Her best friend had married her fiancé.

“Now you remember you saw both our tattoo’s saying ‘I Love You…’?” she waited for a reply but didn’t get one so she continued. “Now I only noticed this like ten minutes ago, but there was a line of dots down on my ass and what do you know Frank’s name is on my ass. And my name is on his.”

Jamia giggled much to the surprise of Jenna-Lou. “You fool’s.” Jenna-Lou sighed in relief while smiling. She gave Frank the thumbs up. “Can I get Bob’s name on my ass since you have my lovers name on yours?”

The smile dropped from her face. “He isn’t my lover! Why would you ever say something like that?!”

“Aw come on sweetie, you can tell by the way you look at him.” Jamia said she, like everyone else that new Bob and Jenna-Lou, knew the two of them were meant to be. They were also stubborn asses who had their hearts broken. “Even when we watched the wedding tape he seemed way more pissed than I was. And when we talk about being married to Jay-”

“Please can we not talk about him Jamia?” she said in a serious tone as Frank pranced around the room trying to make her laugh.

“Okay, I’m sorry. But I can read you like a book my friend, you love him.” Jenna-Lou scoffed. “Listen I’ve a mountain of orders to took at so I’ll call later. Love you honey bunny.”

“Bye love you to sugar mama.” She hung up and looked at Frank. “What?”

“She didn’t even say ‘bye’ or ‘I miss you’!” he complained. He was like a two year old that was told he couldn’t have cookies unless he eat all his dinner.

“oh no she did say ‘I love you’. But not to you, but me!” she grinned. “Ha your fiancée loves your wife more than you!” she laughed.

Gerard walked in on them, undoing his zip and started to pee.

“Do you mind?” Jenna-Lou asked him.

“No not really, continue.”

“Look G your dick is a big distraction for me, so can you please just fuck off?” Frank said, trying to pull a serious face but ended up looking like his face was deformed.

Gerard smiled as he emptied the last of his tank, he zipped up. And as he walked by Frank he cupped his ass making the smaller man squeak with excitement and surprise.

“I’ll see you on stage.” Gerard smiled. It was their new thing to feel each other up on the bus. Sometimes they even did it on stage. But now Gerard was only doing it for his own amusement.

“What was that?” Jenna-Lou half frowned half smiled.

“I don no guess he likes practising that off stage.” He shrugged.

“So I get married to you and I let you have a fiancée and now you want a boyfriend?!” she joked wondering what his reaction would be.

“Aw come on. There’s nothing going on between us. You know I love you I just need Jamia. She’s my sex buddy. And Gerard thinks I’m hot so he just randomly feels me up when he’s horny.” Frank smiled as he satisfactory answer.

If anyone heard that who didn’t know the situation would have thought they were seriously fucked up mentally, which they both were and proud of it too.

“Whatever, we’re getting an annulment anyway.” She paused. “Hey you wanna go show everyone are asses?” she asked excitedly.

Frank was more excited to do than she was. “FUCK YEAH!”

And so the ass showing began…